Conduct a one sample hypothesis test of the
mean, analyze and report the result
Topic: One sample hypothesis
testing about the mean.
Descriptive Statistics
z and t distributions
The purpose, procedure, and terminology involved with hypothesis testing.
Computer with
SPSS, Word Processor,
PowerPoint, and
Adobe Acrobat Reader
TI-83 Calculators
Notes to the Teacher:
implementing this webquest, the students should be familiar with the concepts
listed above. I am providing two lesson plans that will assist in
introducing the hypothesis testing. The links are provided below.
You must have Microsoft Word to view lessons.
Lesson 1 Lesson 2
- Some websites listed in the lessons go
over more tests than one sample testing about the mean. Make sure students
concentrate on the one sample mean testing and not any of the others.
- The last website provided for the first
lesson plan is a java applet. The way the applet is set up is confusing, so
play with it yourself before demonstrating it to students.
- Demonstrate navigation of the website in
lesson two and point out the questions that the student should focus on listed
in the lesson plan above.
- The webquest will be frustrating to
students. Be sure to support them and guide them instead of lead them.
The point of a webquest is to allow the student to lead themselves and be
creative. Therefore, it is important for the teacher to resist telling
them exactly what to do. You can be supportive by presenting questions
that guide them in the right direction.