Integrade Pro at Trask Middle School

Systematic Performance Improvement Plan

MIT 502 Summer 04

Instructor Arnold Murdock


Executive Summary    Performance Analysis  Performance Gaps Analysis  Implementation Plan




Background and Executive Summary Narrative

Integrade Pro at Trask Middle School


Trask Middle School is located in Wilmington, North Carolina. The current student population is approximately 760 students.  There are 56 classroom and reading teachers and each are required to use a software program called Integrade Pro 8.0 to record students’ grades and submit them for final report cards.  Teachers have access to this software in their classrooms, in the computer labs, and copies can be sent home for installation on home computers.


Teachers receive training from the school computer resource teacher as needed.  Integrade Buddies” are encouraged within each team.  This means that if a teacher has not used Integrade or needs help, the teacher must pair up with an experienced Integrade user so they will have a person to ask for help.  An electronic manual for Integrade Pro 8.0 is available on the school server for teacher access. 


Currently, teachers using the Integrade program do not always make the deadlines at the end of each nine weeks.  There are also a high number of errors on the files once they are completed.  The computer resource teacher and the SIMS data manager spends a large amount of time finding and fixing the errors or sending them back to the teacher to correct the problems.  The administration would like to see all the teachers meet the deadlines with minimal errors in the files submitted.


Introduction to a new system of grading using NCWISE is slated to take place as early as February of 2005.  However, no dates can be officially confirmed and the New Hanover County Technology Director has recently retired.  There is no definite status as to how long the teachers will continue to use the Integrade program.  Whether the school system is using NCWISE or Integrade, the problem of accuracy and efficiency will still be an issue to deal with as soon as possible.


Organizational Environment Issues

  • Report Card release dates are mandated by the County system and are based on the state approved school calendar.
  • NCWISE transition is coming soon.
  • Integrade procedures vary among schools.


Work Environment Issues

  • The overall attitude of the importance of meeting Integrade deadlines is not good.
  • Understanding of “why” the deadlines exist is not good.


Work Issues

  • Training effectiveness is not measured.
  • Follow up help sessions are not given.
  • Grade Level Chairperson Roles do not formally include Integrade.
  • Setting Deadlines Input comes only from Leadership Team.
  • Feedback and consequences from administration should be strengthened.


Worker Issues 
  • Motivation to reach deadlines is low.
·                Awareness of procedures and requirements need to be improved.

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During the past school year 2003-2004, the computer resource teacher managed Integrade files from teachers and reviewed each one prior to importation into SIMS for report card processing.  Documentation was collected as to when each file was submitted, in what form (disk or electronic file), from whom, and whether they were correct or contained errors.  In conjunction with keen observations of which teachers were asking for help, utilizing the lab, working with an “Integrade buddy”, the computer resource teacher determined the following performance gaps within each level of performance. 
Verbal surveys were given when errors or late turn-ins occurred.  These surveys included some of the following questions:
1.             Did you use the written direction sheets?
2.             Have you worked with a “buddy?”
3.             How did you remember the deadline?
4.             Is the file not ready due to lack of help, hardware or software resources, other teachers, training, etc.?


Organization and Environment Issues


Current Performance

Every school in New Hanover County must release student report cards on the same day.  Individual schools do not have the power to change these dates during the school year.  The report card release dates help determine the date that teachers must turn in their Integrade files.  However, this is not the only factor.  In some schools the computer resource teacher is not involved in the Integrade process except for training purposes.  Other schools rely on a combination of both to complete the process.  This is due to various reasons that include master scheduling and types of grading required from each teacher, computer skill levels of teachers, and Integrade skill levels of SIMS data managers. Due to these factors, some schools have later deadlines than others.


Another issue is the upcoming use of NCWISE.  This will include an online grading system that will be mandated in all schools and will therefore eliminate the need for Integrade.  Attitudes for improving Integrade use in the upcoming year may be negative due to the anticipation of the change.


Optimal Performance

  • School systems should be using the most up to date grading system available.
  • Schools with earlier deadlines should confer with others to find out ways to offer more time to teachers.
  • Mandated deadlines by the county should be in place.  (This may have more influence on the staff to comply.  Although in this case we have no influence over these decisions.)



·         There is a lack of consistency within the county when it comes to Integrade file deadlines. 

·         There is a lack of knowledge as to how long the Integrade program will be used.


Work Environment Issues


Current Performance

Each grade level and department has excellent organization within each team.  The roles are clear and each team or group has regularly scheduled meetings. Most teams and departments make major decisions as a group and are represented on the Leadership Team.  However, within the organized structure, the attitudes about Integrade may vary greatly.  Overall, this deadline is met with a negative attitude and although it is important, it is often neglected.  Most staff members do not understand why our school deadlines are sooner than other schools and may not put it in high priority.


Optimal Performance

  • All concerns should be given to the Leadership team so they may be addressed prior to Integrade deadlines.
  • Exceptional Children’s department and Literacy Team should provide input of any special needs concerning grades in reading and students who are in mainstream classes.



  • The Leadership team does not communicate to the rest of the staff the importance of making the deadlines.
  • There is a lack of communication between departments about responsibilities that are not fulfilled each time grades are due.

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Work Issues


Current Performance
Integrade training is offered after the 10th day of school when enrollment numbers must be documented.  This training is not formally evaluated.  The Integrade directions file is available to all teachers on the file server. Teachers are encouraged to find an “Integrade Buddy” who is experienced and can help them during the year to meet deadlines and address other issues.  There are no other formal training sessions scheduled and grade level chairpersons are not given specific roles concerning the Integrade files.  
Teachers have access to the Integrade programs and other supplies needed. 

Setting deadlines input comes from School Improvement Team (Leadership Team) and all departments and grade levels are represented. 


Optimal Performance

  • Initial training session should be evaluated an improved.
  • Grade level chairpersons should give reminders to staff about the upcoming deadlines.
  • Teachers should utilize representatives of the Leadership team and communicate Integrade problems and concerns.
  • Help sessions should be scheduled throughout the school year.
  • Administration should send notice to teachers who do not meet deadlines.
  • Administration should send notice to teachers who meet deadlines.



  • Training lacks feedback from staff members.  The training lacks follow-up sessions throughout the year.
  • There is a lack of administrative feedback and rewards concerning performance of teachers and Integrade files.
  • Grade level management lacks the assigned responsibility of sending reminders to staff members about Integrade.
  • Teachers do not communicate potential problems to Leadership Team.



Worker Issues 
Current Performance

According to documented observations, the teachers who are consistently late are the veteran teachers.  Teachers who make errors are an equal combination of veteran and inexperienced teachers. Based on verbal surveys, teachers who make errors do not use written directions or work with a buddy.


Most staff members will follow guidelines and rules.  However, some staff members who do not respect deadlines are set in their ways and may not be influenced by the administration.


Optimal Performance
·                All teachers who make errors or do not make deadlines should attend at least one help- session before files are due.
·                Reminders to all staff should be sent at least two weeks prior to deadlines.
·                Information should be given to staff about what types of errors to look out for and why they cause problems with report cart printouts.  This can be in the form of a newsletter sent to each staff via email.



·         Teachers lack understanding of the importance of the deadlines.

·         Teachers lack motivation to improve skills and accuracy.

  • Teachers lack awareness of common problems and how to fix them.




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Organization and Environment Issues





Within the county when it comes to Integrade file deadlines all schools have varying schedules.

Present Negative

Perceptions of Job Responsibilities within each school vary.  Some Computer Resource teachers do not work with report card processing.  Some SIMS data managers cannot do the processing alone and need help from the CRT.

Lack of consistency in job responsibilities and skills

No staff knows exactly how long the Integrade program will be used.


Present Negative

Teachers do not feel that it is a responsibility to increase Integrade productivity because it will soon be outdated.

Lack of Knowledge of future events


Lack of Communication



Work Environment Issues





The Leadership team does not communicate to the rest of the staff the importance of making the deadlines.

Future Negative

Perceptions of Job Responsibilities of the leadership team do not include explaining why Integrade deadlines are important.

The role of the Leadership team is in danger of losing value.

Lack of communication among representatives and other teachers

Departments do not discuss the additional responsibilities that are not fulfilled each time grades are due.


Future Negative

Number of communication breakdowns vary and are greater between departments.

Lack of communication among staff members



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Work Issues





Staff members don’t evaluate training.  The training lacks follow-up sessions throughout the year.

Future Negative

One training session held and frequency of use of new skills varies among staff.  Not all staff members use Integrade on a regular basis.

Could lose job efficiency if skills are not improved.

Lack of Feedback and follow up sessions

Teachers are not rewarded or reprimanded concerning their performance of tasks related to Integrade files.

Future Negative

Perceptions of job responsibilities of teachers do not include accuracy and efficiency in Integrade.

Job responsibilities and quality of work could continue to slack off if staff does not receive feedback from administration.

Lack of administrative Feedback for teachers

Grade level management does not consistently send reminders to staff members about Integrade.

Future Negative

Grade level chairpersons do not believe it is their responsibility to be sure each teacher meets their deadlines. Perceptions of job responsibilities are not consistent.

Lack of assigned responsibilities of the grade level chairpersons

Teachers do not communicate potential problems to Leadership Team.

Future Negative

There are a number of communication breakdowns per department. This could begin to occur in other areas and affect job performance.

Lack of communication perhaps due to lack of confidence in the Leadership team.


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Worker Issues





Teachers lack understanding of the importance of the deadlines.

Future Negative

Processing time takes up to 5 days for report card printing

Teachers who complete tasks are below 30%. 

Lack of communication

Teachers lack motivation to improve skills and accuracy.


Future Negative

Error Rates of total files submitted are above 80%.

Percent of tasks completed properly per file is 30% per file.

Repair time for Computer Resource Teacher and SIMS data manager is 2 or 3 days from deadline date.

Lack of communication, feedback, and consequences

Teachers lack awareness of common problems and how to fix them.

Future Negative

Error Rates of total files submitted are above 80%.

Percent of tasks completed properly per file is 30% per file.  Repair time for Computer Resource Teacher and SIMS data manager is 2 or 3 days from deadline date.

Lack of communication and knowledge




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Stakeholders and participants are all staff members who work with grades, report cards, and Integrade program files, at the school.  Also included are members of the administrative staff, leadership team, EC department, department chairpersons, and the computer resource teacher.

Organizational Environment Issues

Implementation Action Plan

Schedule for Implementation

Projected Gains in Performance

Implementation Costs and Resources Needs

One person from each school should be appointed as an Integrade representative. The SIMS data manager should be the representative for each school.  The reps should meet an compare Integrade procedures and will communicate with each other at the beginning of the year to set schedules; each is also responsible for distributing procedures to faculty/staff of his/her school

September 2004

Job responsibilities concerning Integrade will become consistent and clearly understood among various schools.



Meeting time in each school with Leadership Team and administration to review job responsibilities among schools.  

Integrade Training and review with computer resource teacher as needed per school.

 Communication tools (newsletter, email) to communicate to staff any new procedures.

NCWISE upgrade information must be distributed to employees as often as possible. Administration or SIMS data manager is responsible for getting this information to the staff as it is received.

August 04 – ongoing


Communication and moral improved within school.

Communication tools (newsletter, email) to communicate to staff all new announcements.


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Work Environment Issues

Implementation Action Plan

Schedule for Implementation

Projected Gains in Performance

Implementation Costs and Resources Needs

Establish information to handout that describes the reasons that deadlines are in place.

Information should be compiled by the SIMS data manger and computer resource teacher and given to administration for approval.  Administration should sign off and emphasize the importance of the information.

August 04

Increase communication and understanding of job responsibilities among staff and leadership team.


Improve motivation to complete tasks due to consequences from administration.

Meeting time for team, administration, and resource staff.

EC department must provide all staff with notice of grading requirements for special needs students.  This notification must be provided at the beginning of each nine weeks to give teachers notice of upcoming responsibilities.

August 30, 2004 (10th day of school when enrollment is official.


The first day of each nine weeks if changes in EC student enrollment occur.

October 19, 2004

January 4, 2004

March 15, 2004


Improve communication between departments.

Meeting time and emails or newsletters.


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Work Issues

Implementation Action Plan

Schedule for Implementation

Projected Gains in Performance

Implementation Costs and Resources Needs

Formal evaluations should be given at the end of training sessions.

Follow up sessions for Integrade should be scheduled each nine weeks at mid-term.  Attendees should be surveyed for “what went well” and “what needs improvement”

August 30, 2004 (10th day of school when enrollment is official.


Mid-Term “Tech Tuesday” regularly scheduled meetings

September 7, 2004

November, 9, 2004

January 25, 2005

April 12, 2005


Assessment gained and improvement for training is established.

Meeting times for all staff, workshops conducted in computer lab.


Planning time from computer resource teacher and SIMS data manger

Notes of appreciation should be given to all teachers who make deadlines and are error free.

Reminders from administration should be sent to all staff that does not make deadlines.

Mention of making deadlines should be included in Individual Growth Plans.

End of each nine weeks

October 15, 2004

December 21, 2004

March 4, 2005

May 20, 2005


Feedback and consequences improved.

Motivation improved.

Data collected by SIMS data manger and computer resource teacher.


Note cards written by administrative staff.



Assign responsibilities to the grade level chairpersons that include reminding teachers of all Integrade deadlines.

August 04


Clearer understanding of job responsibilities.


Increased communication within each grade level.


More teachers will make the deadline on time.

Information should be added to the staff handbook.

Leadership team should develop a form for teachers to address issues that must be addressed in each meeting. 
Such forms should be made available in a central location and submissions should be kept confidential. Feedback is anonymous.

This is called an “issue bin.” 

August 04

Improve role of leadership and increase communication of issues from staff members.

Create a box to place in a central location.  Copies of forms needed.


Leadership team appoints 2 team members to maintain and retrieve the forms as needed.


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Worker Issues

Implementation Action Plan

Schedule for Implementation

Projected Gains in Performance

Implementation Costs and Resources Needs

Integrade file procedures should be described and amounts of time needed per task should be distributed.  Roles of computer resource teacher and SIMS data manager should be outlined.

This information should come from the administration and requirements should be stressed; “Deadlines are expected to be met by ALL STAFF.”

Date of the all staff meeting that is closest to first Technology Tuesday September 7, 2004

Better communication and understanding of job responsibilities.


Improvement in completed Integrade tasks at least 25 % in the first nine weeks.

Meeting time and copies of information to be distributed.

Use of email in addition to hard copies.

A specific report of each Integrade file should be given to each teacher that explains the errors made during each nine weeks.  Copies of this report should be given to the principal.

PTA should provide an incentive reward to each teacher that turns in an error free file that is on time. (Free book from local bookstore)

PTA must meet with administrative staff in September 2004 to decide on incentive awards for teachers. 


Integrade file reports should be given to teachers no later than 3 days after all Integrade files are turned in. 


Incentives to be distributed within 3 days after all Integrade files are turned in.

Improved motivation and morale among staff. 


Improved feedback and understanding of Integrade.

PTA budget funds for incentive rewards.


SIMS data manager and computer resource teacher time to compile and distribute reports.

Common problems and fixes should be explained in written form and reviewed in each Integrade help session

Mid-Term “Tech Tuesday” regularly scheduled meetings

September 7, 2004

November, 9, 2004

January 25, 2005

April 12, 2005


Any additional help sessions scheduled TBA (one per month)

Improved understanding of Integrade knowledge.


Decreased error rates and repair time by 25 % each nine weeks.



Time for staff development and copies made as needed.




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