Usability Test Goals and Tasks for UNIT 2 HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE




  1. Read the Scenario 1 and Problem.


  1. Do you find the information on these pages to be relevant to you as a teacher and student of this unit? 


  1. Do you think that this is a unit others will need or want?


  1. Why would you need the links to NCDPI Curriculum? (may be answered after other tasks are completed)




  1. After you read the Unit 2 Scenario and Problem, what would you do next?


  1. Find the goals for this unit?


  1. Find the step that may help you develop solutions to problem?


  1. Find the total percentage possible for the Individual PowerPoint Design Visual Appeal and Good Use of Theme.


Screen Design


1.       Visit the Unit 2 Homepage, Goals, and Guide pages. What do you think about their visual appeal?


  1. Would you add anything to the pages?


  1. Would you delete anything from the pages?


Navigation Tasks


  1. Find the goals for this unit.


  1. Find the resource slide show called “Stop Searching and Start Finding”, created by Patrick Crispen.


  1. Download the slide show and view the slide show.


  1. Find and view any resource that can show you how to scan images. 


  1. Locate the state curriculum guides for your subject.


  1. Find the percentage total for the “Visual appeal and good use of design” on the Individual PowerPoint.


  1. Find the descriptions for the group assignments.