Project 3

Technology Plan




Mission Statement and Vision/Goals


Implementation Plan


Communication Plan


Design of Infrastructure


Professional Development Plan


Technology Support Services


Project Budget and Timeline


Appendices and References





The Cape Fear Center for Inquiry is a charter school in Wilmington, North Carolina. The school is K-8 and has a student population of 320. The school has 71.4 % proficiency scores in the 8th grade computer skills competency test and this shows a need for improvement in order to reach the state average of 80 %.  A teacher and Board member of the school conducted a survey to gather information about the teacher’s feelings and attitudes toward the school’s technology situation and performance.  Based on the surveys and observations the teachers have a desire to learn more computer skills and are not comfortable using the existing hardware and software within the school. 

The Cape Fear Center for Inquiry is a charter school in Wilmington, North Carolina that focuses on small classroom settings and inquiry based learning.  Inquiry Based Learning is “an educational activity in which students individually or collectively investigate a set of phenomena-virtual or real-and draw conclusions about it” (Kuhn, 2000)

  Inquiry is:

 Charter schools are public schools.  Like other public schools they are required to establish and follow a technology plan for the state of North Carolina.  The Cape Fear Center for Inquiry is a public charter school.  CFCI essentially operates as its own district or Local Education Agency.  Cape Fear Center for Inquiry has chosen to adopt the North Carolina Standard Course of Study as its curriculum framework.  It is therefore required to teach the Computer Technology Skills as listed in the SCOS. 

The technology plan requires that the teachers provide more hands-on technology within the inquiry-based classroom lessons.  Improvements are needed in the school’s technology infrastructure, personnel support, and technology skills for teachers.  Another primary goal is to increase proficiency in the state mandated testing for 8th graders in Computer Competency Skills. 

The technology plan consists of a mission and vision established by CFCI.  Beginning the project, Phase I, a major component will be the infrastructure changes and additions to the school concerning technology hardware, software, and the addition of support personnel.  The technology infrastructure needs hardware and software additions and upgrades.  A computer network and lab must be added and the existing computers and mobile labs need maintenance and upgrades. Technology support personnel will provide support for all staff members. 

In Phase II, professional development will influence the plans for school curriculum and instruction.    These personnel will establish the changes in the infrastructure and provide additional instructional support as needed.  The teachers will receive assistance to improve technology skills through a professional development plan.  The professional development will provide training for basic computer skills as well as technology integration strategies.  The professional development plan also incorporates reflection and evaluation to establish continuous improvements.  These improvements will benefit the overall quality of technology integration in each classroom.

The final phase will include students and their innovations and projects that integrate technology.  Phase III engages the students with the integration of technology.  All grade levels will be able to demonstrate their improvements in computer skills.  This entire plan will be implemented over the course of three school years.



The Cape Fear Center for Inquiry’s mission is to promote students’ abilities to think and create in personally meaningful ways through an inquiry-based, integrated curriculum in a nurturing environment. 


This technology plan and vision is to provide the necessary tools for the community, staff, and students to achieve the school mission.  CFCI will integrate technology in a seamless manner into the inquiry based curriculum using a variety of applications and resources.