Kristine Rose's e-portfolio

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Hello! My name is Kristine Rose and this is my E-Portfolio. Currently, I am a candidate for a Masters of Science in Instructional Technology (MIT) at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW).

The MIT program provides students the opportunity to gain skills and knowledge from educational and applied psychology, instructional systems design, computer science, systems theory, and communication theory, allowing for considerable flexibility to tailor individual needs across other academic disciplines. Students from diverse fields can plan programs which are consistent with their long-range academic and professional goals.

My E-Portfolio was designed and developed as a way to demonstrate my skills and knowledge within the study and practice of instructional technology. It is intended to demonstrate my knowledge of the domains of study, understanding of theory, use of theory in practical application, and how my knowledge and skills meet the competencies of the instructional technology field.

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This Site Designed by Kristine Rose


  MIT Program