Taking Care of Technology


How to properly use the laptops in your classroom


Cape Fear Center for Inquiry




Prepared By:

Trisha Torkildsen

Spring 2005’



Table of Contents



Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 3

How to use this manual --------------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 3



Pretest ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 4-7




Lesson 1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p.  8

            Review--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p.  9


Lesson 2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p. 9-10

            Review-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 11


Lesson 3--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 12

            Review-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 13

Lesson 4--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  p.14-18  

            Review-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p.19


Lesson 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 20

            Review-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 21




Post-Assessment--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- p.  22-25  


Performance Checklist-------------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 26




Answers to Pre-Test------------------------------------------------------------------------------ p. 27


Answers to Review Questions------------------------------------------------------------------ p.28


Answers to Post-Test----------------------------------------------------------------------------- p. 29


Survey-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------p. 30










Welcome, you will move through each step of this module in order to be able to successfully use the laptop cart of I-Books (Apple laptops) in your classroom. 


By learning the proper procedures and knowledge contained in this module the systems established to use the laptops will function well. 


Not only will you benefit from completing this module but your students and the school community will as well.


This module will take approximately 45 minutes, including all components.


In order to complete this module, you will need the following:


ž     Pencil or pen

ž     Highlighter (provided with manual)

ž     Laptop cart 

ž     I-Book

The goals of this module are:

ž     For you to be able to apply the proper check out rules and procedures for the lap top carts and


ž     For you to be able to apply the proper set up and operation of the basic functions of the Macintosh I-Book laptops carts in your classroom.



How to use this manual:


This manual can be used as a self-instructional training module.  It can also be used as a reference in your classrooms.


The manual is divided up into 5 lessons.  You will move thorough each lesson in order. 

The lessons in this manual are organized, for the most part, chronologically/sequentially in terms of the order in which you would do things in context. 


Each lesson begins with the objectives for that lesson. 

The lessons will present you with the information that you will learn.

Each lesson ends with a short summary.

Each lesson also contains and a very brief review.  Use the review questions to check for understanding.  The answers for the review questions are found on page ___. 


Please work on each lesson independently as learning this material on your own is the goal of this self-instructional module.

First things first:

Let’s see how much you know about this subject.

Complete the Pre-Test without using any information in the manual.


1.  The sign up sheet for teachers to check out the laptop carts is kept?

            a. above the copier

            b. above the laminator

            c. in the front office

            d. on the carts


2.  The combination of the lock on Cart A is _______________    

     The combination of the lock on Cart B is _______________


3.  How much time do you need to add to your sign up time to: complete your instructional plans while accounting for the time to properly unpack and pack up the laptops into the cart? __________________________________________________  


4.  What the top three rules to apply when using the laptop cart in your classroom?

            1. ______________________________________________________________

            2. ______________________________________________________________

            3. ______________________________________________________________


5.  Who is ultimately responsible for unpacking and packing up of the laptops into the mobile cart unit when in use in your classroom? _______________________________


6.  When the mobile laptops are being used in your classroom, is it ok to allow other student(s), from another classroom, to “borrow” a laptop and remove it from your classroom?


          Yes               No


7.  Read each brief statement that describes student use of the laptop while the cart is in use in your classroom.  Next to each statement write P-(proper) if the situation describes the teacher properly supervising the students and write I-(improper) if the situation describes the teacher not properly supervising the student:

___________   1.  Student A and student B are doing research on the laptops out in the hallway of the school building.

____________ 2.  Three students, each with their own laptop, are working quietly on the floor of my classroom in the corner by themselves.

____________ 3.  All of my students are working in their desks/seats with the laptops in front of them on the top of their desks. 

____________ 4.  Two of my students are working in the Commons Area on the couches of the school with the laptops. 

____________ 5.  I can monitor all students’ laptops screens without having to move frequently around my room. 

8.  Consider the top three rules of the laptop use in your classroom.  Please write a brief statement that describes why following the rules is important.  How will it benefit your students?  Staff?  School community?  __________________________________



9.  The three steps that you need to complete to properly unpack the laptops out of the cart in your classroom are (in order):

1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________


10.  The first thing that you need to do with the cart when you get it into your classroom is to ___________________________.


11.  In the picture of the laptop cart with the doors open, highlight or circle where you will find the power cord (for individual laptops):





12.  Highlight or Circle the dock on the laptop below:



13.  Briefly describe what you would find on the dock (what is it used for)?






14.  Circle the icon that is used as the Internet Application on the I-Book











15.  What is the Internet application called? ___________________



16.  Circle the icon that represents the Microsoft Word application:











17.  In order to open Word and any other application on the dock you need to (circle one)     single click   or   double click on the icon.






18.  In order to make sure that you have properly closed out of any application that you are running you need to perform which of the following steps:


A.  Click red dot/X symbol


B.  Click the yellow dot/- symbol

C.       z   (open apple) and Q at the same time


D.  Click the green dot/+ symbol


19.  In order to log out when you are using the I-Book you need to click:

_____________________  then  ______________________. 


20.  In order to shut down the I-Book you need to click:


1.___________________________   then,



21.  When your students are done using the laptops there are 3 steps that you should follow to properly pack up the computers into the cart.  List the 3 steps that make up this procedure:

1. _________________________

2. _________________________

3. _________________________


22.  After all I-Books are in their correct numbered slot and plugged into their power cord you must do three final steps to prepare them for the next user to check them out. Those three steps are:

1. _________________________

2.  ________________________

3. _________________________




Thank You
Please move onto Lesson 1-on next page






Lesson 1-Procedures for Properly Accessing the Laptops



The learner will:

  • State the location of laptop cart sign up sheet
  • State the combination of Cart A and Cart B locks
  • Demonstrate proper check out procedures by signing up for carts for proper amount of time needed to perform instructional plan, to include 10-15 minutes of unpacking/packing up times


You are planning to use the cart in your room…


The 1st thing that you need to do is sign up to use a cart.   


Where you ask? J


Above the laminator in the teacher workroom you will find a schedule of use for Cart A and Cart B.  Be sure to fill in all information for the proper cart that you want to use.


***Remember, it takes 10-15 minutes on average to PROPERLY unpack and pack up the laptops. 

10 minutes for middle grades students

15 minutes for elementary students


Do not forget to add at least 10-15 minutes to your instructional/lesson time.  This will help you to return the carts on time for the next user to check out.  




When you get the cart into your classroom you need to open the doors.


How you ask? J


Memorize the combinations for the lock on each cart, it will save you time.


Cart A-716 (Repeat this to yourself 3-5 times) 


Cart B -579 (Repeat this to yourself 3-5 times)



  • Sign up sheet can be found – above the laminator
  • Add 10-15 minutes to your instructional time when signing up
  • Combination for Cart A is 716
  • Combination for Cart B is 579



Lesson 1

Review questions:


1.  Write down the amount of time it takes to properly unpack/pack up the laptops __________________


2.  What is the combination for Cart B? ___________


3.  Where is the sign up sheets for the cart located? ____________________________


4.  What is the combination for Cart A? ________________




Great, move on to Lesson 2



Lesson 2-Top Three Rules for using the laptops in your classroom



The learner will:

  • State who is responsible for “possession” of laptops while in classroom
  • State who is responsible for packing/unpacking laptops in classroom
  • Classify examples of Proper and Improper supervision of laptops
  • State the Top Three Rules for using the laptops in the classroom
  • Choose to follow Top Three Rules of use of laptops in classroom



Ok, this is very important.  These are the Top Three Rules when using the laptops in your classroom. Following these rules will help ensure that the laptops are well maintained and continue to be a very useful tool for the students at CFCI.


Top Three Rules


1.  The teacher is ultimately responsible for unpacking and packing up the laptops.


2.  When you have the cart in your room, DO NOT allow students that are not in your class to come in and “borrow” a laptop by removing it from your classroom.


3.  In order to properly care for the laptops, it is important to SUPERVISE what each student is doing on the laptop that they are using.


Proper supervision in this case means:


  • Within your classroom while using the laptops


  • Using them on a table top, not on the floor


  • You should be able to see the computer screens of each laptop without walking around the room too frequently



Remember that if you choose to follow the Top Three Rules it will take care of the laptops (equipment) which will help all students and teachers at CFCI.  


Here are just a few ways that choosing to follow the Top Three Rules will help the community:


  • $-less money spent on repairs, ordering parts, etc.  


  • Equipment will be in tact for next user-saves time


  • Proper use = reduced frustration of teachers


  • ________________________________ (think of another benefit or two)






  • The Top Three Rules are:


1. Supervise use carefully by having kids in your classroom and computer screens in            your view


2. Do not allow students from other classes to take a laptop out of your room while you have the cart


3. The TEACHER is ultimately responsible to unpack & pack up laptops


  • Choosing to follow the Top Three Rules will help the CFCI community in several ways.  A few of which are $, time, less frustration.




Lesson 2

Review questions:


5.  Is it ok to allow students from another class to borrow a laptop from you? 

            Yes      No    (circle one)


6.  In terms of supervision, read each statement below and write a P if it is an example of Proper supervision & I if it is Improper


a.  __________ Each of your students is working on the laptops at their desks, you are                                            sitting at your desk with your back to them


b.  __________ You have two students working on the laptops in a chair in the hallway


c.  __________ A few students are working on the laptops in the commons area


d.  __________ Five of your students are working together on a project, on the laptop,                                             on the floor


e.  _________ Your students are all working on the laptops at their desks or table tops,                                           you are able to see all screens/computers without moving around                                             the room too       frequently


7.  T or F   The students are ultimately responsible to unpack/pack up the laptops on to                                 the cart


8.  Choosing to follow the Top Three Rules will benefit the CFCI community in what ways, name 3 very briefly









Move on to Lesson 3






Lesson 3-Procedures to Properly Unpack Laptops



The learner will:

  • Demonstrate unpacking laptops properly in the classroom

Ų      State the first thing that you should do with the laptop cart in your classroom

Ų      Identify the power cord on the laptops

Ų      Execute unhooking each power cord and handing out each laptop one at a time


Ok, you’ve got the cart in your room and now that you know the lock combinations you are all set.


The next steps may seem simple but following these procedures properly is very important. The power cords can be easily damaged. 


Also, if you follow them in order it will help you to make it a routine. 


The first thing that you need to do when you get the laptop cart in your room is:


Plug the cart in to a power outlet


Open the doors to the cart.


The next step is to find the power cord that charges the laptops.  Look at the picture below.  The area where the power cord connects to the laptop is identified with the arrow.


Power cord




After you locate the power cord, carefully unhook the cord and hand out the laptops to your students, one at a time. **(Remember each student should have an assigned #)**



So, that is it for UNPACKING procedures.



To demonstrate properly unpacking the laptops from the cart you just need to

  • Plug the cart into a power outlet
  • Carefully unhook each power cord
  • Hand out laptops one at a time



Lesson 3

Review Questions:


9.  Circle or highlight where the laptop power cord plugs into the laptop on the picture           below.





10.  The first thing that you need to do with the cart when you get it into your classroom is ______________________.






Move on to Lesson 4







Lesson 4- Using the Laptops-Basic Operations of Hardware and Software



  • Demonstrate logging on to laptops properly
  • State location and purpose of the dock on the laptop
  • Identify the Internet Application Icon and state its name
  • Identify Microsoft Word application icon
  • Demonstrate properly opening an application on the laptop
  • Demonstrate the rule for properly closing out of a running application/program on the laptop
  • Demonstrate proper logout of operating system
  • Demonstrate proper shut down procedure of operating system


Ok, now you are ready to go.  You have the laptop out in front of you.  Just so you know the model laptop that you are using is an I-Book.  The information presented after this point may refer to the laptop as the I-Book.


Once, you have the I-Book unpacked and on a table top/desk in front of you, what do you need to do next?


Open up the screen and push the button to turn it on, but the next procedure is:


Logging On- to do so simply click the correct user icon with a single click.  The passwords are no longer necessary for typical use (both student and teacher)


Now you are logged onto the operating system of the I-book.   This allows you access all of the computers applications. 



Macintosh/Apples use a “dock” to organize and display the applications.


Look at the picture below.  The dock is indicated by the arrows.  It is located along the bottom edge of the laptop screen. Some docks are much smaller in size until you run your cursor over them then they expand to be larger. 

Dock-arrow shows blue strip containing application icons











The applications that the I-Book contains are located on the dock.  Just like any other function the applications can be accessed or opened with a single click. 


You will learn the two applications that are most frequently used at this time at CFCI as the purpose of this lesson is to teach you the procedures to access and use the very basic operations of the I-Book.


The Internet browser that you will use on the I-Book is called Internet Explorer


It is found on the dock.


The icon for Internet Explorer is:


Just think of this—e for Explorer.  Easy to remember, right? This is your Internet application.   





The second application that you will learn today is for word processing. The application is:  Microsoft Word.


It is also found on the dock.


The icon for Microsoft Word is:


Just think of this—it may be an odd looking W but it is a W.

W = Word.  This is your word processing program.




**Remember to open Word or Internet Explorer just single click the icon on the dock**


Once you have an application open the possibilities of things to do are endless.  But, that is not the purpose of this module.  So, let’s presume that you have done what you need to do and you want to close out of an application. 


How do you do that?  There are a few ways.  You will learn one way to easily remember it and to make it simple.  If you do not properly close out of an application it may continue to run and hide on you.  Can they do that?  The “Techno gods” say yes-J



The reason that this is important is because if a program continues to run without you knowing, it will:

1.  Slow down your machine

2.  If it’s hidden and you try to open it again, it won’t open and you may not be able to see this on your screen.  Therefore, the program will not open.


So, to close out any running application hit the open apple and Q buttons AT THE SAME TIME .    


The open apple key looks like this                  z     AND hit Q  (FOR QUIT) AT THE SAME TIME


After you have properly QUIT a program-

You NEED TO LOG OUT of the operating system. 


To do that there are 3 simple steps to follow:


            1.  Click the blue apple icon located in the upper left hand corner of the screen as      shown below




            2.  Click the words “log out”




            3.  A small menu of options will appear, click “log out” again





Now you just need to properly shut down the I-Book. 


Properly shutting down will ensure that they laptops continue to run properly. 

Now that you have logged out, the main screen will appear.


At this point you just need to click shut down.


            1.  At the main screen which looks like this:





            2.  Click the words “shut down




Once the screen is completely black you may close the screen of the I-Book.     



That covers the VERY BASIC operating procedures to access the I-Books.





  • To log on single click on the user (teacher or student)


  • The dock is used to organize and display the applications



  • The dock is located along the bottom edge of the laptop screen


  • The Internet browser that you will use on the I-Book is called Internet Explorer



  • The icon for Internet Explorer is:




  • The icon for Microsoft Word is:




  • To close out any running application hit the open apple and Q buttons AT THE SAME TIME .  Again,    z     AND   Q  (FOR QUIT) AT THE SAME TIME


  • To LOG OUT of the operating system, there are 3 simple steps to follow:


            1.  Click the blue apple icon located in the upper left hand corner of the screen


            2.  Click the words “log out”


            3.  A small menu of options will appear, click “log out” again

  • In order to shut down the I-Book the procedure is to:


            1.  Click the blue apple icon


            2.  Click the words “shut down”


            3.  A small menu of options will appear, click “shut down”

















Lesson 4

Review Questions:


11.  Where is the dock located on the I-Book? ______________________________


12.  What is the dock used for?  _________________________________________


13.  To log on to the I-Book you only need to _______________________________


14.  Which one of these applications is Microsoft Word?


a.                b.       c.              d.    





15.  Which one of these is the Internet browser?


a.         b.    c.      d. 



16.  What is the Internet Browser called?  ________________________________


17.  To open any application you need to (circle one) double click   or    single click


18.  To close out of any running application hit _____________________________


19.  The three steps to log out and shut down are?  (Same except for words “log out” and “shut down”


            1.  ___________________________________________


            2. ___________________________________________


            3.  ___________________________________________




Nice, move on to Lesson 5


Lesson 5-Procedures to Properly Pack Up the I-Books



  • Demonstrate proper pack up procedures by following 3 pack up rules in the classroom
  • Execute hooking each power cord into laptop
  • Execute final steps of pack up by: locking cart, returning to designated area, plugging in cart to charge


You and your students are done with using the laptops.  Remember it takes more than a few minutes to properly pack them up into the cart. 


The 3 procedures to pack up:


1st-Call students to the cart by number

      “# 3 and # 4” 

      if they are older, call a group “ #s 5-10”

2nd-Place each I-Book in the correct numbered space. 

3rd-Plug each I-Book into the correct power cord. 


Be sure the light around the cord is lit up to indicate that it is charging.   


Remember to count/check all I-Books to make sure they’re accounted for.


Great!  You are almost done.  All I-Books are properly packed up. 


There are 3 final steps to help ensure that the cart is ready for other teacher and students to use. 


1st-Close and lock the cart

2nd-Return cart to its designated “parking spot” (marked in Commons Area)

3rd-Plug the cart into a power outlet so that it is charged for the next user


 Nice Job!


Lesson 5


§         The three steps to properly pack up are:

1-Call students up by number

2-Place I-Book in correct numbered slot

3-Plug I-Book into its power cord

§         The three final steps in using carts are

1-Lock cart

2-Return to parking spot

3-Plug it in


Lesson 5

Review Questions


20.  List the 3 steps that make up the packing up procedure






            21.  List the three final steps to prepare cart for next user









Congratulations!  Very nice work!



You have successfully completed your lessons. 



move to the next section    -the “Post-Test”



You will answer a series of questions. 



When instructed to do so, follow the steps to use the I-Books provided for you.  You will then use the I-Book to complete a series of tasks as indicated in the Performance Assessment Section which is found directly after the Post-Test. 



When you are finished, please turn in your Post-Test and your Performance Assessment to the instructor who is monitoring this training session. 







1.  In the picture of the laptop cart with the doors open, highlight or circle where you will find the power cord (for individual laptops):





2.  How much time do you need to add to your sign up time to: complete your instructional plans while accounting for the time to properly unpack and pack up the laptops into the cart? __________________________________________________  



3.  In order to make sure that you have properly closed out of any application that you are running you need to perform which of the following steps:


A.  Click red dot/X symbol


B.  Click the yellow dot/- symbol


C.       z   (open apple) and Q at the same time


D.  Click the green dot/+ symbol



4.  In order to shut down the I-Book you need to click:


1.___________________________   then    _______________________



5.  Highlight or Circle the dock on the laptop below:


6.  Read each brief statement that describes student use of the laptop while the cart is in use in your classroom.  Next to each statement write P-(proper) if the situation describes the teacher properly supervising the students and write I-(improper) if the situation describes the teacher not properly supervising the student:

___________   1.  Student A and student B are doing research on the laptops out in the hallway of the school building.

____________ 2.  Three students, each with their own laptop, are working quietly on the floor of my classroom in the corner by themselves.

____________ 3.  All of my students are working in their desks/seats with the laptops in front of them on the top of their desks. 

____________ 4.  Two of my students are working in the Commons Area on the couches of the school with the laptops. 

____________ 5.  I can monitor all students’ laptops screens without having to move frequently around my room. 



7.  What the top three rules to apply when using the laptop cart in your classroom?

            1. ______________________________________________________________

            2. ______________________________________________________________

            3. ______________________________________________________________


8.  Who is ultimately responsible for unpacking and packing up of the laptops into the mobile cart unit when in use in your classroom? _______________________________




9.  The three steps that you need to complete to properly unpack the laptops out of the cart in your classroom are (in order):

1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________________________



10.  When the mobile laptops are being used in your classroom, is it ok to allow other student(s), from another classroom, to “borrow” a laptop and remove it from your classroom?


          Yes               No









11.  Circle the icon that is used as the Internet Application on the I-Book











12.  What is the Internet application called? ___________________



13.  The first thing that you need to do with the cart when you get it into your classroom is to ___________________________.


14.  Consider the top three rules of the laptop use in your classroom.  Please write a brief statement that describes why following the rules are important.  How will it benefit your students?  Staff?  School community?  __________________________________




15.  When your students are done using the laptops there are 3 steps that you should follow to properly pack up the computers into the cart.  List the 3 steps that make up this procedure:

1. _________________________

2. _________________________

3. _________________________


16.  After all I-Books are in their correct numbered slot and plugged into their power cord you must do three final steps to prepare them for the next user to check them out. Those three steps are:

1. _________________________

2.  ________________________

3. _________________________



17.  In order to open Word and any other application on the dock you need to (circle one)    single click   or   double click on the icon.



18.  Circle the icon that represents the Microsoft Word application:











19.  The combination of the lock on Cart B is _______________    

       The combination of the lock on Cart A is _______________



20.  Briefly describe what you would find on the dock (what is it used for)?





21.  In order to log out when you are using the I-Book you need to click:

_____________________  then  ______________________. 



22.  The sign up sheet for teachers to check out the laptop carts is kept?

            a. above the copier

            b. above the laminator

            c. in the front office

            d. on the carts



Great, move on to the next page



Now that you have finished your Post-Test please follow the instructions to complete the Performance Checklist


1.  Walk to the cart, which is open (if it’s not, open it)

2.  Take one I-Book out of any slot

3.  Follow the steps below in order (completing each task)

3.  Circle Yes-if you complete the task independently

4.  Circle No-if you were not able to complete the task independently



a. Yes/No-successfully unhooked the power cord                            


b. Yes/No-successfully logged on to the laptop as a student


c. Yes/No-successfully opened Word application


d. Yes/No-successfully closed running application(s)


e. Yes/No- successfully logged out


f. Yes/No-successfully shut down the laptop


g. Yes/No-successfully placed I-Book in correct slot and plugged in power cord


h. Yes/No- light is on around the power cord



Please turn to page 29 and check your answers to the Post-Test













Finally, turn to page 30 and complete the Survey


Turn in

1.) Post-Test

2.) Performance Checklist

3.) Survey


You can turn them in to the monitor in the room.


Thank you!








Assessment Answers- as educators, use your judgment for qualitative answers (wording does not need to be exact if the content is correct)

Answers to Pre-Test






716       579


10-15 minutes


1. Supervise  2. do not let other students “borrow” 3.teacher is responsible to pack






I,  I,  P,  I,  P


$ (money), time, less frustration


Plug in cart, unhook power cord, hand out laptops one at a time


Plug it in


White cord is shown connected to the TOP of the laptops


Bottom edge of the laptop screen


Applications, used to organize and display the applications




Internet Explorer




Single Click




Blue apple, log out,


Blue apple, shut down, shut down


1. Call students by # (or group of #)   2. Put in right slot #   3. plug in power cord


1. Close and lock the cart   2.  Return it to its space in commons area  3. Plug it in


Assessment Answers

Answer to Review Questions


Review Questions


 10-15 minutes




Above the laminator






a.  I            b.  I            c.  I          d.  I          e.   P 




$ (money), save time, less frustration


White power cord hooks into top of the laptop


Plug it into a power outlet


Along the bottom of screen


To organize and display icons/applications


Single click the user






Internet Explorer


Open apple &  Q


Apple, logout, logout


Main screen, click shut down


Call students by # ,  place laptop into correct slot, plug in power cord


Lock cart, return to its parking spot in commons area, plug into outlet





Assessment Answers-as educators, use your judgment for qualitative answers. 

Answer to Post-Test




 White cords hooks into top right corner of laptop (match where you circled)?


10-15 minutes




Shut down at the main screen


Along the bottom edge of screen


I,   I,   P,  I,  P


Teachers-responsible to unpack, SUPERVISE, “no borrowing” (other students)




Plug in cart, unplug power cord, hand out laptops one at a time






Internet Explorer


Plug it in


$, Time, less frustration


Call students up by #, place I-Book in correct #, plug it into power cord


Lock cart, return to parking spot, plug it in


Single click




579     716


Organize and display applications/icons


Blue apple, log out,




If you answered most of your questions correctly, Wonderful!  You will be prepared to successfully use the laptop cart and I-Books in your classroom.


If you did not answer most questions correctly, just return to the Lessons and review the information,


User Survey


Please take a few minutes to provide your feedback.


Thank you very much for taking the time to complete this training.

Your feedback is very important. 


Use this scale to rate the effectiveness and usability of this training module


1- Always

2- Frequently

3- Sometimes

4- Occasionally

5- Never


1.  This module was clear and concise.






2.  The instruction was easy to follow.






3.  The instruction was helpful to me.






4.  The training manual was motivating.






5.  This training will help me to properly use the equipment/technology






6.  This type of training is effective for this content






7.  This module was user friendly






8.  This manual will help me and my students in my classroom






9.  The overall effectiveness of this module 






Please add any comments that would help to improve this self-instructional module: