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classroom management

Needs Assessment

Learner Analysis

Context Analysis

Content Analysis and Unit Goals

Unit Design

Lesson Design



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EDN 520 Instructional Development
(Domains/Competencies/Job Qualifications/Artifacts/Rationale)

Context & Conditions:

The course is an introductory course in instructional design, providing an overview of procedures for analyzing, designing, developing and evaluating instructional programs. It emphasizes understanding and practice of the processes of designing instruction. The project “classroom management workshop for beginning teachers” was partial fulfillment of the course. The project was situated in real-world and collaborative environment. It was completed in the spring semester of 2006 under the direction of Dr. Mahnaz Moallem. This is the first time I took online course and worked with an American elementary teacher. There was a little challenge and but the entire process was going well.


The purpose of the course project was to demonstrate utilization of the principles and theories of instructional design, and concepts and skills related to analyzing, designing, developing, and evaluating instructional programs. The project “workshop for Classroom Management” was designed for teachers in Murrayville Elementary School who were bothered with classroom management problem. It was composed of four parts, which presented practices in needs assessment (including learner analysis, context analysis), analysis of subject-matter content, development of goals and objectives, classification and sequencing of objectives, design of instructional strategies, selection and integration of media-based instruction, design of instructor-led lesson, and formative evaluation of instruction through pretest and posttest.


My team and I both played the role of instructional designers and developers. We conducted needs analysis, subject-matter content analysis, developed goals and learning objectives, sequenced instructional events and sub-events, designed lesson plan and developed evaluation. In the phase of analysis we did a lot of content research, identifying what contents target audience should master in terms of standards and criteria.


Through the course project I realized that analysis of subject-matter content plays a rather important role in course, lesson, or material design and that development of goals and enabling objectives is critical to the design and development process of an instruction. I was impressed with writing goals and learning objectives and mastered some relevant skills. In addition, I recognized that Gagne’s nine instructional events is a valuable reference for designing lesson plan, especially for the novice like me. But it is not a must-be for lesson plan design and used separately based on specific situations. Thinking back the course project I found that I didn’t make much effort on analysis of subject-matter content. I believe I will do better on this aspect in the future.

EDN 520: Domains/Competencies/Job Qualifications/Artifacts/Rationale
Skip to: Design / Utilization / Evaluation

Domain of Instructional Design

MIT Competencies

Job Qualifications



Plan and conduct needs assessment.

Conduct needs analysis and assessment


Needs Assessment

The artifact illustrates the process of gathering data, determining the gap between what is and what should be, and then establishing the needs that address gaps. In the artifact, I collected data by interview, questionnaire, and extant data as well.

Assess learner/trainee characteristics.

Conduct audience analysis to confirm appropriateness of learning objectives.

Identify learner characteristics/style.


Learner Analysis

The artifact illustrates how I conducted learner analysis, identified learner characteristics and learning styles. My purpose of conducting a learner analysis was to design instructional materials or solutions that address learner characteristics and needs.  

Analyze the characteristics of a setting (learning environment).

Conduct context analysis.

Context Analysis

The artifact illustrates the process of assessing the characteristics of context or environment where the identified problem occurs.

Conduct analysis of jobs/tasks and content.

Formulate learning objectives.

Produce detailed descriptions of job tasks.

EDN 520: Instructional Development
Task Analysis

The artifact demonstrates my ability to conduct content research before analyzing content and tasks and developing flowcharts.

Sequence learner outcome.

Understand learning principles.

Have knowledge of learning outcome taxonomy.

Lesson Design

Unit design

This lesson plan design illustrates the process of applying instructional design principles and learning taxonomy to identify proper sequence for instructional tasks and learning outcomes.

Specify instructional strategies and sequence the instructional strategies.

Have knowledge of instructional strategies.

Understand instructional design principles.

Understand Keller’s ARCS model.

Instructional Strategies

The product demonstrates my knowledge and skills of specifying and sequencing instructional strategies for instruction taking into account types of learning outcomes and target learners.

Determine instructional resources (media/computer technology) appropriate to instructional activities.

Determine appropriate material resources, technology resources, human resources based on learner and context analysis.

Lesson Design

The artifact shows how I identified and selected the appropriate resources to augment or deliver instruction.

Domain of Utilization

MIT Competencies

Job Qualifications



Apply principles of selection and use of materials and techniques relevant to a multicultural society (e.g., non-print, print, mass media, hardware, software, and other audiovisual strategies).

Select appropriate deliverables for instruction with target learner.


Lesson Design


The module illustrates the selection and use of materials and appropriate learning tools to promote learning with target learners to achieve desired objectives.

Apply leadership techniques with individuals and groups (interpersonal skills, group dynamics, team building and diffusion of innovations).

Demonstrate communication and interpersonal skills.

Work with team.

Lesson Design

The artifact demonstrates my ability to lead a project towards the desired direction effectively by communicating with a team of designers. Throughout these team-based projects I not only learned and applied team building skills but also improved my communication skills.

Domain of Evaluation

MIT Competencies

Job Qualifications



Plan and conduct needs assessment.

Conduct needs analysis and assessment.


Needs Assessment


The artifact illustrates the process of gathering data about what is and what should be, determining the gap between what is and what should be, and then establishing the needs that address gaps. In the artifact, I collected data by interview, questionnaire, and extant data as well.


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