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MIT 500 Artifact


Context & Conditions

The GOGAS Employee Training Manual and Resource Guide was designed and developed as a self-instructional module and job-aid for cashiers after the company implemented a new computerized Point of Sale (POS) system. The technical support personnel (SME) provided information pertaining to the new system and the performance/learning context. This project was completed under the guidance of Dr. Mahnaz Moallem in the fall 2004 semester, as a partial requirement for MIT 500 – Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research.


The project entailed identifying and writing instructional goals in terms of learning outcomes; conducting task, learner and performance context analyses; writing performance objectives and criterion-referenced test items; and formatively evaluating the self-instructional module using one-to-one and small group methods. A feedback survey was developed and utilized, as well as pre/post tests, which yielded quantitative data. Qualitative data was also collected using observations. Instructional strategies were chosen based on instructional goals and objectives. The print-based deliver system was selected based on performance context constraints and learner analysis results. Development of the instructional materials was completed using Microsoft Publisher software and graphics obtained from the SME. The prototype was completed within one semester.


This was a solo project in which my role was Instructional Designer. I was responsible for conducting all analyses, designing, developing, implementing and formatively evaluating the product.


This project provided me with an excellent learning experience since it was my first time being exposed to and actually utilizing ISD processes and techniques at a micro-level. I came to appreciate the enormous responsibilities of an instructional designer whose task is to work alone on a project such as this one. The knowledge that I gained from every aspect of completing this project have been the invaluable foundation upon which I have built an extensive repertoire of professional and very marketable skills.

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Created by Melissa Ennis (melissaennis79@yahoo.com) ©2008