Employee Knowledge and Satisfaction Survey


(Click here to view survey results)


Thank you for taking the time to complete this important survey for GOGAS.  Your responses are completely confidential and will not be used in any way as a means of evaluating your job performance.  This information will be used by an outside source to create a resource guide/training manual that will be used by all existing and future GOGAS employees.  Thank you again for your prompt and candid response.


Computer Knowledge


  1. How comfortable are you with using a computer?


Circle the choice below that best represents your level of comfort with computers and their components (monitor, mouse, keyboard, printer, CPU)


A.     Uncomfortable: Minimal to no experience with computers, cannot identify or use any components.


B.    Somewhat Comfortable: Have used computers a few times, but not enough to identify components


C.    Comfortable: Use computers at least once a week, but cannot identify any components.


D.    Very Comfortable: Use computers regularly (several times a week) and can identify a few components.


A.     Extremely Comfortable: Use computers almost every day and can identify all components.



  1. Could you identify these computer components if asked?


Mouse                 Yes      No

Keyboard           Yes      No

Monitor                Yes      No

CPU (tower)       Yes      No

Printer                 Yes      No

Zip Drive             Yes      No

Floppy Drive      Yes      No


  1. Do you know how to unplug and plug these components?


Mouse                 Yes      No

Keyboard           Yes      No

Monitor                Yes      No

Printer                 Yes      No



  1. Do you have a computer at home?                   Yes      No


  1. How often do you use a computer other than when you are at work?


Never     1-3 times a month     Once a week          1-3 times a week       Everyday     


  1. Have you ever taken any computer courses?                       Yes      No


  1. If so, what course(s) have you taken or are taking now? 


Please list all courses completed in the space below…








  1. Are you interested in learning about computers and new technology?   Yes  No


  1. Do you think that a better knowledge of computers would help you with your job performance at GOGAS?             Yes      No




If you are currently working at a station that is using the new GASBOY please answer the following questions.  If not, please skip to the next section.


  1.   How satisfied are you with the functionality and ease of use of the GASBOY?


Very Satisfied            Somewhat Satisfied             Somewhat Dissatisfied        Dissatisfied


  1. Do you think that the training you received for the GASBOY was adequate?  Yes No



  1.   In your own words, please describe what you think would help you the most with the GASBOY (i.e. manual, instructional video, group training session, individual training session, etc.)









Working Environment


  1.   How comfortable are you within your working environment on a typical day?


Uncomfortable       Somewhat Comfortable       Fairly Comfortable      Very Comfortable 


Please use the space below to list any suggestions that would increase your level of comfort.   








  1. Does the presence of customers make it hard to concentrate?  Yes   No  Sometimes


  1. Do you feel that you react well under pressure?    Yes    No     Sometimes


  1. Do you get frustrated easily, especially with new technology?  Yes  No   Sometimes




Age:   18–30       31-39      40-49       50-59       60-69       70-79       80+


Please check the highest level of education completed:

       Associates Degree  

       Some college courses   



       College Degree   

       Secondary Degree

       Middle School   

       High School   


                                                   General Comments or Suggestions: