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Tropical Fish: semi-aggressive

Semi-aggressive fish are those that are somewhat likely to be aggressive toward other fish. In general, these fish like to be in groups of 5 or more and may have the tendency to gang up on other less aggressive fish. You should be very cautious mixing semi-aggressive and community fish...it can be done, but I recommend picking your fish very wisely. Always take into consideration what size tank you have (fish will tend to be more aggressive if they don't have enough space), how many hiding places you have in the tank (plants, real or fake, and ornaments are good), and what specific kinds of fish you have in the tank. For example, if you like to keep Angelfish in your tank, which tend to be very fragile and expensive, you should not keep any semi-aggressive or aggressive fish in the tank because they almost always nip the fins off of the angelfish.

Examples of semi-aggressive fish include bala sharks, plecostamos, gouramis, sailfin mollies, siamese fighting fish, pacus, and barbs (tinfoil or tiger). (click on the name of the fish to see what it looks like)

If you have any questions or comments, please send me an e-mail to: ennism@uncw.edu
©2005 Melissa L. Ennis • Copyright Notice • Last updated: November 12, 2005