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MIT 522 Artifact


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Casting the Net of Virtual Education: A Distance Education Project for Miller-Motte Technical College was completed in partial fulfillment of MIT 522: Organization & Management of Instructional Technology Programs, under the guidance of Dr. Mahnaz Moallem in the spring 2005 semester. This project was developed as a means to bringing more technically advanced methods for facilitating learning to the local institute of higher education.


The overall project objective was to develop a plan which could be used by the local technical college to make their courses more accessible to learners via distance education, while continuing to offer their existing traditional learning environment. The first step in this project was to develop the Change Management Proposal which included the change management teams, information about funding, and the change model (Scientific Laws to Change Management by Roger Dickout). The second phase of this project entailed collecting information about the client’s resources, guiding standards, policies and needs, which are detailed in the Resource Analysis Report. The final product was a Technology Plan which included the: implementation plan, communication plan, infrastructure design, staff development, technology support and budget. The entire project was completed within one semester.


This project was completed by me and another graduate student. In the beginning, the project was very collaborative, but as time passed, more and more of the tasks became my sole responsibility. I was responsible for collecting the information, interviewing the SME and writing the entire Technology Plan.


This project was a great learning experience, but it was also very stressful because the division of labor in my group was not equal. I did find the experience to be overall very rewarding and beneficial as a skill and knowledge-building exercise.

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