Instructional Technology- Domain of Utilization

Utilization Overview

Sub Domains:

 Utilization Competency Artifacts

Utilization Overview

The Domain of Utilization covers the use of human and material resources to gain acceptance, implement, and institutionalize a program of instruction (AECT, 2001).

In this phase the instruction is introduced to the learners and their organization. According to Seels and Glasgow (1998) an innovation is something new or altered, thus the roles of the instructional technologist is to recognize that this innovation represents a real or perceived change both at the learner and organizational levels.

The goal of the utilization phase of instructional technology is to facilitate the implementation, acceptance, and adoption (institutionalization) of the instruction. These interrelated activities should be part of the design plan and performed concurrently.

Sub Domains:

On a micro level, utility of instruction follows a linear scale up from small group or individual learner trials to ultimately organization wide use as an accepted norm or practice. On a macro level an effective communication strategy involving key people within the organization is critical to create the correct perception needed to gain acceptance. The instructional technologist plays a key role in this domain as instruction new to learners and their organizations is viewed as a change which requires change management planning.

Media Utilization

Following the completion of the instructional package in the development stage, the materials must be delivered according to plan. Critical factors include who will deliver and how, using what equipment or tools, and under what conditions. Practitioners should insure all materials, hardware and software works as planned, instructors are prepared, contingency plans are in place, and any support required is available. Pre instruction attention to these details to insure success is important as even the best designed and developed materials will fail if implemented incorrectly.


Implementation is the application of the instructional design and development into the actual learning setting (AECT, 2001). Typically new instruction is scaled up utilizing the formative evaluation-feedback-revision process during the initial stages of implementation with the goal being to assess effectiveness and usability prior to large scale introduction. Acceptance of the instruction by learners and the organization is key to successful implementation in order to create motivation for its success. Kellers ARCS’s model (Keller, 1983) (Attention, Relevance, Confidence, Satisfaction) provides guidelines for practitioners in facilitating acceptance utilizing various communication strategies and instructional tactics designed to breakdown resistance to new instruction.

Diffusion of Innovations

Diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social system Rogers (1995). As all new instruction is viewed as an innovation, practitioners must develop strategies aimed at many levels and individuals within and organization in order to achieve permanent adoption (institutionalization). Rogers “Diffusion of Innovation Theory” is an effective model for implementing institutional change. According to Rogers, there are five characteristics that determine an innovation’s rate of adoption. These are (1) relative advantage, (2) compatibility, (3) complexity, (4) trial ability and (5) observeability. Rogers proposes that for innovation to be adopted more quickly within an organization, it must be perceived as better than an existing idea or practice, compatible with the existing system, and having a low degree of complexity. Also, innovations that include opportunities to test the product and have an observable benefit to the individuals within an organization are more likely to be adopted. Rogers classifies types of individuals within any organization into the following categories based on their rate or propensity to adopt change: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards.

graph indicating different adoption rates of different types of people

Distribution of Individual Innovativeness (Chart is adopted from Daniel Surry, 1997 see  

Practitioners develop individual and mass (group) communication strategies to build positive intra-organization attitudes for accepting change within any organization based on Rogers 5 step process:

1. Knowledge- person becomes aware of an innovation and has some idea of how it functions.

2. Persuasion- person forms a favorable (or unfavorable) attitude towards innovation.

3. Decision- person engages in activities leading to a choice to adopt or reject innovation.

4. Implementation- person utilizes the innovation.

5. Confirmation- person evaluates the results of his/her prior innovation decision

According to Reigeluth, there are two types of change. There is piecemeal change, often called tinkering, which entails modifying something (fixing a part of it) and there is systemic change, often called paradigm shift, which entails replacing the whole thing. (Reigeluth, 1994). Practitioners should recognize that a systematic change will by definition affect many other interrelated parts and processes of a system or organization and that effective communication strategies based on Rogers model should be implemented at many levels.

Policies and Regulations

Any organization has rules, regulations and other guidelines either established by them or other external organizations (government, parent company, etc.) which must be adhered to in utilizing any new instruction. Instructional technologists should seek to identify and understand all relevant policies and regulations in the initial front end analysis to insure complete compliance.

Demonstration of Utilization Competencies in linked artifacts:

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Domain Of Utilization

Instructional Technology


Artifact:- Section

Rational for Inclusion

Apply principles of selection and use of materials and techniques relevant to a multicultural society (e.g., non-print, print, mass media, hardware, software, and other audiovisual strategies

MIT 500 Self Instruction Module for Nursing Competency:

Instructional module

MIT 513 Computer Based Instruction for Seizure Management:

Instructional module 

Instructional Module Viewing  requires download of free Nueron viewer. Click Here to download and install.


These instructional modules utilize multiple graphic, audio, and audio visual designed for use for groups of learners with various cultural differences.

Apply leadership techniques with individuals and groups

MIT 530 Proposal for UNCW Center for Teaching Excellence Performance Improvement:

Executive summary (pdf)

MIT 522 Proposal for Utilization of Web Pages to Enhance High School Learning:

Executive summary (pdf)

MIT 542 Proposal for UNCW Onslow County Criminal Justice Program Instructional Technology:

Executive summary (pdf)

MIT 520 Proposal for Cooperative Employee Training Program:

Executive summary (pdf)


These products demonstrate leadership either through my involvement as a student team leader in the ISD process (internal) or as a project manager (external). As a student team leader, I led the planning of activities and was responsible for facilitating group participation and composing much of the narrative reports including all executive summaries.

As a project leader, I led focus groups, conducted numerous meeting, and facilitated activities with various groups and individuals.

Promote diffusion and adoption of the instructional process

MIT 530 Proposal for UNCW Center for Teaching Excellence Performance Improvement:

Change Management Plan (pdf)

MIT 522 Proposal for Utilization of Web Pages to Enhance High School Learning:
Implementation Plan (pdf)


These two products include specific detailed plans for diffusing new instruction (innovations) into a large organization from initial pre instructional activities and communications to ultimate institutionalization.

Demonstrate a knowledge of the laws and regulations which govern selection and utilization of media/emerging technology

MIT 522 Proposal for Utilization of Web Pages to Enhance High School Learning:

NC Competencys

MIT 500 Self Instruction Module for Nursing Competency:

 Instructional Module


These products evidence compliance with standards, policies and guidelines related to security, legal, and acceptability for use factors important to selection and use of media and emerging technologies.