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The Front-end Analysis Report

The Training Program Proposal

Gantt Chart

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MIT 510 Design and Development of Instructional Technology
(Domains/Competencies/Job Qualifications/Artifacts/Rationale)

Context & Conditions:

The course is a second foundation core course at macro level within the field. It addresses both “process” and “product” for instructional system development. It focuses on leaderships, skills, and understanding necessary to develop instructional system for a field site. The course involves a process of analyzing problem, designing, and developing the instructional system. “ A commitment to customer service in the office of international program” is a training project to develop, implement and evaluate. The training program will lead to targeted changes within the operating system -improving customer satisfaction up to 80% from 50%. The project was completed in Spring, 2007 under the guidance of Dr. Mahnaz Moallem.


The macro level project was composed of two parts: front-end analysis and proposal. The front-end analysis was at a large system level, including problem analysis (sharpening problem statement), the operating system analysis (determining gaps that address the problem), performance analysis (identifying possible causes/solutions), and solution analysis (choosing the most appropriate solution). The second part ‘a proposed implementation plan’ outlined design, development, delivery, and evaluation of instructional activities, instructional materials, and instructional supports related to the training solution. A Gantt chart was developed showing timeline, milestone events, budget, and allocation of resources.


In the project I worked with another team member from finding a client, through identification of problem, problem analysis, and choice of the best solution, to completion of the proposed implementation plan. In the front-end analysis part I worked as a team leader, leading team to focus on our problem and the operating system where the problem happened, analyze the system, determine gaps, and propose a best solution based on additional delivery system analysis. While my team worked as a team leader in the second part. In addition, we worked as project developers and managers, developing and managing activities and events required by implementation of the proposed solution such as identifying deliverables, staffing plans.


The course gave me a chance to practice instructional system design process at macro level using a system approach. In the meantime, through the project I have been familiar with the process for the front-end analysis; meanwhile realize its importance in determining the solutions for the problem. Skipping the process and moving ahead with creating a training/instructional program is to risk spending a great deal of time and money to produce a solution that may not address the real problem. Usually, during that process it becomes clear that a solution could be as simple as a job aid, removing punishment, or providing advanced equipment. Given more time, I will do more research on management theory and strategies in the field.


MIT 510: Domains/Competencies/Job Qualifications/Artifacts/Rationale
Skip to: Design / Development / Utilization / Management

Domain of Instructional Design

MIT Competencies

Job Qualifications



Conduct performance analysis and determine the appropriateness of instructional solutions for the problem.

Identify problem and formulate problem statement

Conduct performance analysis and determine the gaps that address the training-related performance problem

Front-end Analysis Report

The artifact illustrates my skills in conducting front-end analysis in which I identified the performance problem, developed performance measures, analyzed the operating system, and then determined appropriate deliverables and solutions for the performance problem.

Plan and conduct needs assessment.

Conduct needs analysis and assessment


Needs Assessment

The artifact illustrates the process of gathering data, determining the gap between what is and what should be, and then establishing the needs that address gaps. In the artifact, I collected data by interview, questionnaire, and extant data as well.

Analyze the characteristics of a setting (learning environment).

Conduct context analysis.

The Analysis of the Operating System

The artifact illustrates the process of assessing the characteristics of context or environment where the identified problem occurs. With the analysis, as an instructional designer, I selected appropriate delivery system with proposed proper solutions that meet organization’s constraints.

Domain of Instructional Development

MIT Competencies

Job Qualifications



Demonstrate knowledge of computer utilization practices and the ability to apply them in instructional settings including: computer literacy, software selection and evaluation, instructional management, hypermedia development and distance learning.

Work with computer technologies.

Use management tools in implementing instructional solutions.

Gantt Chart

The artifact illustrates my practice of utilizing computer technologies such as Microsoft Project 2000 in managing an instructional development project.

Develop curriculum and apply instructional technology to the curriculum at the systems level, the macro level and the micro level.

Develop instructional and performance solutions applying instructional design principles and system approach.

The Training Program Proposal

The product demonstrates my experiences of designing instructional solutions at the macro level.

Demonstrate knowledge and ability to design and produce self-instructional modules, training manuals, instructor's guides and job aids.

Work with client, creating related self-instructional and training materials.

The Training Program Proposal

The artifact illustrates my ability to produce training materials and instructor’s guide and student’s guide.

Domain of Utilization

MIT Competencies

Job Qualifications



Apply leadership techniques with individuals and groups (interpersonal skills, group dynamics, team building and diffusion of innovations).

Demonstrate communication and interpersonal skills.

Work with team.

Gantt Chart

The Training Program Proposal

The artifact demonstrates my ability to lead a project towards the desired direction effectively by communicating with a team of designers and subject matter experts. Throughout the team-based project I not only learned and applied team building skills but also improved my communication skills.

Domain of Management

MIT Competencies

Job Qualifications



Plan, create, monitor, and facilitate instructional design projects.

Demonstrate Planning and Management skills including creating detailed work plan with tasks, milestones and budget.

The Training Program Proposal

The proceeding and accomplishment of the course project required organization, management, and interpersonal skills with client. The artifact demonstrates my ability to plan, manage, and facilitate an instructional design project.

Organize the instructional project or service unit to operate effectively and efficiently.

Have experience organizing and managing the development process of an instructional project.

The Training Program Proposal

Gantt Chart


The artifact illustrates my experience in planning and organizing project activities to make sure that the system operates properly and effectively.

Manage personnel and facilities.

Have experience with allocating resources and facilities.

The Training Program Proposal

Gantt Chart

The artifact demonstrates my ability to allocate technical and human resources and activity events that involved in the development of project.


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