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MIT 511

Click below to view the MIT 511 project:

Operation Care Website

Context and Conditions

The Operation Care Website project was completed as partial fulfillment of MIT 511: Multimedia Design and Development.  The project was completed during the Fall 2006 semester under the guidance of Dr. Arnold Murdock.  The purpose of the project was to demonstrate technical proficiency using Macromedia Dreamweaver, Flash, and Fireworks.  The project was also meant for students to demonstrate knowledge of multimedia theoretical principles.


The Operation Care Website project consisted of three phases:  a planning stage for determining the site’s content, a design stage to create a storyboard and plan how to demonstrate the principles, as well as a development stage to actually produce the website.  The project was completed within one semester.


The project was an individual effort.  I acted as the web designer, developer, graphic designer, Flash developer, and project manager in order to ensure the project stayed within the time constraints.


MIT 511 was an excellent introduction to the world of web design and how the web may be used as an instructional tool.  It also greatly helped my proficiency with the Macromedia suite of development tools.  Looking back on the project I developed, especially after creating a more extensive site today with the e-portfolio, I would better manage my assets and would create a better template for more easily managing the site.  I also would better arrange the text on some of the pages and include graphics for visual appeal.

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