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MIT 516 Artifact


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The Education of Young Children (EYC) Program Video was completed as a partial requirement of MIT 516: Instructional Video Design and Production, under the guidance of Dr. Sue-Jen Chen, in the fall 2004 semester. Some of the graphics within the video were provided by faculty members in the EYC program, who also aided in the development of the script as Subject Matter Experts (SME). Additionally, they were filmed and incorporated into the actual video. The remaining images were original and taken by me.


This 10 minute video was designed and developed as a promotional tool for EYC program recruitment. The initial planning phase of this project entailed interviewing the SME’s and developing the script. The script included descriptions pertaining to every aspect of the video including camera angles, music, voice-overs and transitions. After many script revisions, students were recruited from the program and interviewed on camera, as well as the faculty members. Filming took place in several locations around Wilmington, Topsail Island and Monkey Junction. After all of the filming and recording was completed, Adobe Premier video production and sound editing software was utilized to edit and render the completed video. Three DVD’s were burned and distributed to the client and instructor. The project was completed within one semester. It is unknown whether or not the video is actually being used as a promotional tool for the EYC program.


This project was completed by me and another graduate student. We both played many joint-roles including Instructional Designer, Camera Crew, and Video/Graphic Editors. As an individual, my roles included Project Manager, Photographer, and Narrator (for voice-overs).


Producing this video was a great experience that made me realize how much I enjoy doing this kind of work. I was free to be creative, while also meeting the needs of the client. I also learned a lesson regarding how important it is to clearly communicate with the client about their needs, thoughts and feelings pertaining to the project and its individual components.

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Created by Melissa Ennis (melissaennis79@yahoo.com) ©2008