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MIT 530 Artifact

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Context & Conditions

Educating Teachers at North Topsail Elementary School in Working with Students on the Autism Spectrum was completed as partial fulfillment of MIT 530: Evaluation & Change in Instructional Development, under the guidance of Dr. Sue-Jen Chen in the spring 2006 semester. One of the members of my team was teaching kindergarten at this elementary school and was approached by members of the administration who were concerned about the increase of students attending the school who had autism-spectrum disorders and the lack of knowledge among their staff members regarding the special needs of these students.


The first phases of this project entailed developing a needs assessment plan and subsequently conducting the needs assessment to determine if there was indeed a performance gap that needed to be addressed with training. After completing a thorough analysis, a performance gap was determined. The entire process is described in detail in the Needs Assessment Plan and Report. The final phases of this project resulted in the development of two plans: the first was a detailed Change Management Plan and the second was a Summative Evaluation Plan. The entire project was completed within a semester.


This project was completed by a team of three graduate students, including myself. All team members acted as an Instructional Designer at different phases. My primary responsibilities included: developing the survey instrument used in the needs assessment, analyzing and interpreting the data, and contributor/editor of the final reports.


The products completed in this project helped me to gain more confidence with the needs assessment process, as well as hone my writing skills. I didn’t learn much in terms of assessment and developing instruments, because I already have a strong background in that area. I also really liked the fact that this was a real-world project with subject matter that was unfamiliar to me. This was also my first experience developing a summative evaluation plan, so I was able to learn a lot from the process.

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Created by Melissa Ennis (melissaennis79@yahoo.com) ©2008