MIT 500: Self-Instructional Module


This self-instructional module was completed as part of the MIT 500 course entitled Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Practice taught by Dr. Mahnaz Moallem. The products for this course focus on micro-level design processes. My module “Inserting a .wav Sound File into a PowerPoint Presentation” was designed for teachers at North Topsail Elementary School in Hampstead, NC. Some teachers at that school were using PowerPoint presentations in their classroom instruction but were not able to utilize sound for as a motivational tool in their presentations. In order to complete the requirement for the course I completed the following tasks:

• Identify a micro-level system
• Conduct a performance analysis and needs assessment of the system to identify an instructional need
• Conduct task analysis
• Identify instructional goal and write goals and objectives
• Identify an instructional strategy appropriate to content
• Identify assessment strategies and write assessment items
• Generate detailed lesson and instructional strategies appropriate for content, context, and the learner
• Develop and implement formative evaluation tools appropriate to the designed and developed material
• Revise materials and implement instructional program


Because of my experience using PowerPoint to design multimedia presentations, I was very comfortable with the content for the project and therefore, did not have to rely on outside information from subject matter experts for the content. I did, however, utilize the available resources including Dr. Moallem, classmates, and faculty at North Topsail Elementary School while gathering front end analysis data and designing instruction. I was given full access to the staff at North Topsail for learner analysis as well as formative evaluation activities. Each teacher used PowerPoint at some level in his or her classroom already but most did not incorporate sound because of confusion surrounding the process. In order to address this need I was able to create a print based module that was bound and multiple copies placed in the professional library in order to allow teachers to compete the module as well as use the materials for reference purposes at a later date if needed. In order to make the materials as straightforward as possible and because the process for inserting .wav files is linear in nature I used Mayer’s SOI model to design my instructional materials. Using this strategy allowed me to highlight important information and lay out the content in a process based scenario so teachers could complete the instruction step-by-step without focusing on extraneous information.


This project was based on principles of micro-level design being that it was based on one group of learners in one setting and only addresses one lesson. However, it does have applications on a larger scale as an inclusion in larger curriculums for teacher technology. After reviewing PowerPoint presentation designed in the past and discussing the media with the teachers, I determined the content that would need to be presented during instruction. This module was implemented initially in the school’s computer lab on a rotating basis for one week. When teacher schedule allowed they visited the lab, completed the module, and then turned in assessment materials to the technology trainer. The instruction was also used as a reference tool on an as needed basis later and implemented as part of beginning teacher orientation processes in future years.


My role in the project was designer, developer, and evaluator. I worked alone on this particular project and because of that was able to develop a wider knowledge and experience base in the area of micro-level design. By working alone, I gained experience in effectively managing my time and resources to complete the project within the deadlines.


The formative evaluation process presented one specific software issue that had to be resolved. In developing the content I planned for the MS PowerPoint version that was loaded on the computer lab computers but later discovered that classroom computers had an older version and therefore, teacher could not complete the training outside the computer lab. To correct this problem, I created a branch in the design of the instruction that allowed teachers to use the materials in either setting and addressed any software differences they may encounter.

After completing the MIT curriculum, I now understand other technologies in more depth and I would like to go back and design a web- or computer- based component for this lesson. I believe that multiple school settings could benefit from this training package and, while print is easily copied, it does cost money to distribute and with schools having less and less funds for paper copies, a web- or computer- based tool with open access would provide a wonderful alternative.

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