MIT 512: Webquest


This webquest, “Winter Holidays”, was designed during the fall 2006 semester for the course MIT 512: Computer Application in Education under the instruction of Dr. Sue-Jen Chen. The webquest was designed for second grade students to increase their cultural awareness and tolerance for other traditions. This project was designed based on the requirements for the course including:

• Develop a plan incorporating technology into classroom teaching.
• Develop knowledge of copyright law.
• Apply learning and instructional design theory to the design of technology supported learning.
• Create webquest instructional module to use as part of unit using a web page creation tool


I developed this webquest based on reflections from my MIT 511 Holidays Around the World website. I wanted to add more interactivity to the initial site I had developed in that course and felt that using the information in a webquest format would provide that interaction and focus. A teacher I have worked with in the past had been using the Holidays Around the World site and therefore, I developed the webquest for her second grade class as an alternative option for classroom project use.

I had two weeks to complete this webquest project and then a week for revisions and final development. To create the site I used Macromedia Dreamweaver and used Microsoft Clip Art as a resource for graphics. I optimized the visuals using Macromedia Fireworks and used Adobe software to create PDF files for students to download and print needed materials.


This project was completed in the fall of 2006 and is scheduled to be used as part of a larger unit during November and December of 2006. Feedback gathered after this application will be used to make any needed revisions.


My role in this project was primary designer and developer. I used prior knowledge and projects to research background information and also consulted with second grade teachers regarding content, evaluation, and needs of students. Based on this information I designed the unit and the webquest module and then developed the module using Macromedia software.


I would like to see this webquest expanded to include other grade levels through a branching program that allows lower and higher level students to navigate to their appropriate sites. Also, I would like to add more animation and/or sound to further enhance the motivation for students.

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Site designed and developed by Amanda Hodges