Introduction     Task     Process     Evaluation     Conclusion     Teacher Notes

Forrest Gump Sees America

A WebQuest combining Physical Education and Social Studies for Fourth and Fifth Grades

"I just felt like running."
--Forrest Gump

Forrest Gump running Introduction
In the movie Forrest Gump, the title character runs for years back and forth across America with no other explanation than "I just felt like running." He ran a lot of miles and saw a lot of the country. Now you and your classmates will have a chance to help Forrest make another run. By running with your class, you can add up miles to help Forrest run across the country and explore the sites he passes on the way. You will also get a chance to improve your physical fitness and develop a habit of running as a part of a healthy lifestyle.

Your task will be two-fold. On the one hand, you will need to learn how to run properly, how to take your pulse so as to measure your exercise intensity, and how to know what is the proper exercise intensity for long distance running. On the other hand, you will work with a team of your classmates to plan where you want Forrest to run, figure out how many miles you will have to run to get there, and convince your class that your selection is the place that the class should adopt as their next destination. Why wait? Let's get started by going to the first task. Put on your running shoes and get going!


1. Learning to Run
runner You might think it strange that you will be expected to learn to run. "Everybody knows how to run," you say. But you will be running a lot of miles if you want Forrest to be able to run across the country. If you want to be a good runner, there are things you can learn to make you run faster, farther and safer. Your physical education teacher will be talking about running form and pacing in class. To be better prepared for the class, you should:

You can begin your investigation of proper running style by visiting the following web sites. Start taking notes on what you find out so that you can make up your checklist.

2. Plan the Next Leg of Forrest's Journey
map of 
Southeastern North Carolina Forrest has come to Burgaw, NC to start his running journey. He needs help deciding where to go next. Your job is for you and your team to decide on a place to go and convince your classmates to adopt your destination. Follow these steps:
  1. Each team member should look on a map to pick out possible destinations.
  2. Fill out a WebQuest Worksheet to describe your chosen destination.
  3. Decide with your team which of those possibilities that your team wants to defend before the class.
  4. Create a short PowerPoint presentation as a visual aid to help convince your class to go to your destination.
  5. Present your choice to the class.
Here are some resources to help you complete this task:

Using Maps:

To find facts about the United States: To help you with your PowerPoint presentation:
Rubric for judging your PowerPoint presentation.

3. Learn to Use Your Pulse Rate to Find Your Exercise Intensity
taking pulse It is important not to exercise too hard, or you will tire too soon and not be able to run as far as you want to. But if you don't exercise hard enough you will not improve your fitness, which means you also won't be able to run as far as you want to. Learning how to take your pulse and how to use that knowledge to exercise at the right pace is the focus of the next task. Use the following links to help you. Be sure you understand the terms:

Use the following table to check your performance on the Forrest Gump WebQuest.
Area Questions Score
  • Are you able to run more laps per minute than you did when you started the program?
  • Can you run farther without stopping to walk or rest than you did when you started?
  • Can you take your pulse?
  • Do you know your target heart rate zone?
  • Did your Running Form Checklist adequately assess your running form?
Geography Skills
  • Were you able to use a scale of miles to determine distance on a map?
  • Did you demonstrate your knowledge of different cities, states, and historical sites?
  • Were you able to determine the compass direction you were travelling?
PowerPoint Presentations
  • Were you able to convince your classmates to choose your destination?
  • Did you present at least three reasons to select your destination?
  • Did you use your PowerPoint presentation effectively to support your argument?
  • Were you able to create a well-designed PowerPoint presentation?

Congratulations. You have completed the Forrest Gump WebQuest. You have used what you have learned about running and about geography to give Forrest Gump another successful tour of the country. In the process you have learned new facts about this great country and have communicated these facts to your classmates. Whew! What a job!

Introduction     Task     Process     Evaluation     Conclusion     Teacher Notes

Developed by Harry R. Marriner, University of North Carolina-Wilmington, MIT512
Last updated: October 28, 2002
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