Professional Work Examples





MIT 513 Computer Based Instruction

The virtual museum tour of the new 20th-century exhibit was generated using Toolbook software, as part of the central project for MIT 513, a course taught by Dr. Arnold Murdock in the spring semester of 2004.

It was fortunate that during this course, my employer Cape Fear Museum of History and Science, was in the throws of developing a new long term exhibit focused on the 20th-century in the Lower Cape Fear region.  I had many resources at my disposal, including current research, archival images, oral history video clips, and much more.  It seemed logical that a virtual tour could be generated and used in a variety of ways to promote the upcoming exhibit to visitors as well as to middle grade teachers. The exhibit fulfills the social studies standards of study for NC eight graders so the virtual tour could be an effective vehicle for promoting field trips to eighth grade educators throughout the region. 

Museums plan exhibits far in advance.  The changes that occur during the lengthy process, from conception to installation, can be mind boggling.  Staff was excited by my preview of the virtual tour in Spring 2004 however by Fall 2004 everything had changed, and my Toolbook version was obsolete.  Unfortunately, there was no motivation for me to revise the project. 

As Public Relations Specialist for the museum, my role is to maintain a working knowledge of the complex process of developing an in-house exhibit, based on original research, so that I can function appropriately as the spokesperson for the institution.  In my role as an MIT student, I was the lucky recipient of rich stores of information and images that I could incorporate into my project.  My Toolbook project was one that I generated on an independent basis, with the guidance of Dr. Murdock.

It was empowering for me to be able to generate an experience that guided users through sound, information, video, and other  multi-media devices for a rich learning experience. My only dilemma was that I tried to incorporate too much into my virtual tour, and the program crashed.  Fortunately, I had presented my project to the class before that disaster.  Therefore, what I am including in this assignment is the last saved version of my virtual tour.  I plan to revise a complete product for my portfolio review.

View Museum Tour of the 20th-Century Gallery




Site by Suesan Sullivan, UNCW MIT Student
Last Update 10/20/06

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