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Domain of Evaluation

MIT Competencies

Job Qualifications



Plan and conduct needs assessment.

Conduct needs analysis and assessment.

Develop assessment plan and instruments.


EDN 520: Instructional Development
- - The ‘ Classroom Management ‘ workshop for Elementary (K-5) Educators

MIT 500: Instructional System Design-Theory and Research
- - Universal Reader Project at Ashley High School

MIT 530: Evaluation and Change in Instructional Development Process
- - How to effectively support online course teaching with the faculty

MIT 510: Design and Development of Instructional Technology
- - A commitment to customer service in the OIP

MIT 522: Organization and Management of Instructional Technology Program
- - Integration of Interactive Software “Read On”at Lakeside School

These artifacts illustrate the needs analysis process of gathering OAFCS-related data (optimal, actual, feeling, cause, and solution), determining the gap between what is and what should be, and then establishing the needs that address gaps. In these artifacts, I collected data by interview, creating and delivering a survey, questionnaire, and extant data as well. I used SPSS to process data gathered.

Plan and conduct evaluation of instruction/training.

Conduct formative evaluation related to materials or course.

MIT 500: Instructional System Design-Theory and Research
- - Universal Reader Project at Ashley High School


The artifact illustrates my knowledge and skills of conducting formative evaluation from gathering, analyzing data about one-one-one, small group and field trial, allowing for changes during the development of course or materials.

Plan and conduct summative evaluation of instruction/training.

Conduct summative evaluations applying evaluation models.

MIT 530: Evaluation and Change in Instructional Development Process
- -Summative Evaluation for A Self-instructional Module

The project illustrates the process of planning and conducting a summative evaluation. I gathered data related to the use of an instructional product, analyzed data, interpreted data, and made some recommendations on whether to continue to use the instruction or not.

Plan and conduct product evaluation.

Create evaluation rubric

Conduct product evaluation and make recommendations.


MIT 530: Evaluation and Change in Instructional Development Process
- - Summative Evaluation for A Self-instructional Module

MIT 515: Web Teaching-Design and Development
- - Web-based Couse through Blackboard Vista

MIT 542: Internship
- - Evaluate the Help course for Blackboard

The artifacts illustrate the process of conducting product evaluation including creating evaluation rubric. I gathered data related to the use of instruction, analyzed data, interpreted data, and made some recommendations on whether or not to continue to use the product.


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