St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Christian Church
TV Center Informational Website

St. Nicholas GOC Website Homepage

St. Nicholoas GOC Homepage

TV Center Informational Homepage
Available devices at TV Center
Remote Controls
Input Menu Selections
Connect your personal device
Adusting sound quality through audio reciever
Acquiring further assisance or technical support




Acquiring Further Assistance

Printed Job Aid that is available at TV Center

Hints & Tips:

Certain places in this instructional website have prompted you to acquire further assistance.  If there is something that is limiting you from carrying out any of the taks, please seek assistance from one of your peers that may be available. 

There is a Job Aid (depicted above) available at the TV Center for your convenience which contains quick tips and mnemonic guides to assist you in performing your goals. It can also be accessed digitally by clicking on the image.

If you have used this instructional website and/or the print job aid that is provided for you at the TV Center but are still having difficulty, please seek further assistance from a Technology Ministry member if present.  Otherwise, they can be contacted at:


You can also try finding other tutorials online through your own self-directed search.  There is available instruction online free of charge that covers a broad range of topics.  This instruction can come in the form of written instruction from company and other websites, instructional videos on YouTube and other sites, or troubleshooting tips from technology discussion forums. 


Try It Out!

To get an idea of how broad a range such information is available, go to and type the phrase “How to make a peanut butter sandwich” in the search field, and then press ENTER.  How many tutorials are available? Are there any available in YouTube?  





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