Marolyn Anith Schauss
Electronic Portfolio

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Field of IT





Competencies ~ Domain of Management



     The instructional technologist can be described as a manager. There are four sub-domains for the domain of management:

Project management, Resource management, Management of delivery systems, and Information Management

(Seels and Richey, 1994).


Domain of Design
Domain of Development

Domain of Utilization
Domain of Evaluation


MIT Competencies

Job Qualifications

MIT Artifacts

Artifact Justification

Plan create, monitor, and facilitate instructional design projects.


Plan, supervise, and accomplish instructional materials design, development and implementation of courseware for computer-based, web-based, and distant learning presentations.

Meet deadlines.



Demonstrate time management and organizational skills.



Function as a member of various project teams.


MIT 502: Systematic Approach to Performance Improvement
- Campground Ownership From Development To Solvency

MIT 510: Design and Development of IT
- Steps To Success At LHS








MIT 520: Managing Instructional Development

- Improving Negotiation Skills for Financial Loan Officers


MIT 522: Organization & Management of IT Programs

- Minding The Gap At GIRL’S Inc.






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MIT 502 was developed to manage an entire project. The management plan included, time, budget, staffing, resources, and contingencies.


MIT 510 managed a complete ISD project from conducting a front-end analysis for design, development, implementation, and management of the systems level technology project.



MIT 520 implemented front-end analyses followed by designing, developing, utilizing, and managing the complete project.




MIT 522 determined the gap within the infrastructure and conducted planning and monitoring of the process for change. The planning included Gantt and PERT charts detaining every step of activity to meet the organization’s timeframe, budget and need.


Organize the instructional project or service unit to operate effectively and efficiently.



Demonstrate evidence of organizational and management skills.






Demonstrate strong project management skills and be ale to work unsupervised.

MIT 510: Design and Development of IT

- Steps To Success At LHS





MIT 520: Managing Instructional Development

- Improving Negotiation Skills for Financial Loan Officers

MIT 522: Organization & Management of IT Programs

- Minding The Gap At GIRL’S Inc.



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MIT 510 project demonstrated planning, developing, managing, organizing, analyzing, and evaluating a system wide instructional development project.

MIT 520 included negotiation skills with executive level management as well as developing a plan for managing an ID project.



MIT 522 demonstrated communication, management, and organizational skills for each aspect of the instructional project from determining the gap to evaluation of product.

Manage personnel and facilities.



Operate under strict and tight deadlines as well as tolerate pressure from clients (both internal and external).





MIT 502: Systematic Approach to Performance Improvement

- Campground Ownership From Development To Solvency















MIT 510: Design and Development of IT

- Steps To Success At LHS




MIT 522: Organization & Management of IT Programs

- Minding The Gap At GIRL’S Inc.





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MIT 502 project incorporated every aspect of managing personnel and facilities. The tasks included the development of job specifications, matching employees to task, providing staff development, evaluating all staff, delegating responsibilities, solving interpersonal conflicts, achieving individual potential, motivating employees, complying with deadlines, designing for multiple projects and fast-paced unsupervised environments.


MIT 510 demonstratesd efficient and effective deployment of the LHS organization's managerial, inventory, human skills, information or technology (IT) resources when needed.


MIT 522 identified the change management team and defined the roles and responsibilities of various human resources. In addition, facilities and required resources are carefully identified and managed.


Plan and implement organizational change.


MIT 510: Design and Development of IT

- Steps To Success At LHS



MIT 522: Organization & Management of IT Programs

- Minding The Gap At GIRL’S Inc.






MIT 530: Evaluation and Change in Instructional Development

- Examining Diversity Within The Watson School Of Education Curriculum


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The MIT 510 project designed a plan to change the organizational structure leading to learning successes.


The MIT 522 project designed a plan for computer software awareness and implementation. Additionally, the project proposed/recommended options for obtaining Grant monies for the proposed/recommended software.


The MIT 530 project referenced a macro needs assessment plan for management to implement changes within the organization.

Design instructional management systems.

Provide knowledge of content management systems and instructional management systems.







Provide project management methodology.






Provide business analysis.

Provide time management and be able to handle extreme stress and multi-tasking.



MIT 510: Design and Development of IT

- Steps To Success At LHS






MIT 520: Managing Instructional Development

- Improving Negotiation Skills for Financial Loan Officers

MIT 530: Evaluation and Change in Instructional Development

- Examining Diversity Within The Watson School Of Education Curriculum


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MIT 510 was concerned with what the instruction should accomplish and how the instruction was managed and accomplished. Management of the project involved Gantt and PERT charting to provide evidence of systematic and strategic planning.


MIT 520 included designing instructional managerial materials to ascertain the quality, efficiency, and reliability of the product being developed.



MIT 530 instructional management included Gantt and PERT charting and a detailed description of how evaluation is implemented.


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