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Competencies of Instructional Technology by Domain

Design | Development | Utilization | Management | Evaluation



MIT Competency

Job Qualifications



1. Plan and conduct needs assessment.

  • Assess course review and revision process to ensure that all goals and objectives are met

MIT 500- Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research

GOGAS Employee Training Manual and Resource Guide


MIT 510- Design and Development of Instructional Technology

Port City Java: Wired for Performance Improvement


MIT 522-  Organization & Management of Instructional Technology Programs

Miller-Motte Technical College: Casting the Net of Virtual Education


MIT 530- Evaluation & Change in Instructional Development
Changing Views on Autism Spectrum Disorders at North Topsail Elementary School

MIT 542- Internship
UNCW Division of Student Affairs: Training Needs Assessment

These artifacts exemplify my knowledge of the systematic processes used to plan and conduct thorough needs assessments.  Within the evaluation domain, these were employed in order to ensure that the original objectives of a training program were met.

2. Plan and conduct evaluation of instruction/training.

  • Develop reports and make recommendations on enhancements and/or revisions of training materials and delivery methods
  • Evaluate training materials and procedures and makes or recommends revisions

MIT 500- Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research

GOGAS Employee Training Manual and Resource Guide


MIT 510- Design and Development of Instructional Technology

Port City Java: Wired for Performance Improvement


MIT 522-  Organization & Management of Instructional Technology Programs

Miller-Motte Technical College: Casting the Net of Virtual Education


MIT 530- Evaluation & Change in Instructional Development

Changing Views on Autism Spectrum Disorders at North Topsail Elementary School

These artifacts demonstrate my ability to plan and conduct formative evaluations of both micro and macro-level instructional/training programs.  I employed various evaluation techniques and measures including interviews, surveys and focus groups.

3. Plan and conduct summative evaluation of instruction/training.

  • Conduct annual evaluation of all assigned staff to ensure continued professional growth
  • Provide supportive documentation of evaluation decisions

MIT 510- Design and Development of Instructional Technology

Port City Java: Wired for Performance Improvement


MIT 530- Evaluation & Change in Instructional Development

GOGAS Employee Training Manual and Resource Guide: Summative Evaluation Plan

These artifacts demonstrate my knowledge and ability pertaining to the planning and hypothetical conduction of summative evaluations.

4. Plan and conduct product evaluation.

  • Conduct quality reviews on products
  • Provide quality assurance testing for courses and post-production work

MIT 500- Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research

GOGAS Employee Training Manual and Resource Guide

This artifact exhibits my ability to plan and conduct a product review through the process of formative evaluation, which included one-to-one and small group interviews.

Created by Melissa Ennis (melissaennis79@yahoo.com) ©2008