Instructional Technology Portfolio for Susan Elizabeth Allred
Design Development Utilization Management Evaluation

Domain of Instructional Development

“Development is the process of translating the design specifications into physical form” (Seels & Richey, 1994, p. 35). This process is also done in phases. Depending on the scope of the project the designer may be working alone or they may have a development team producing materials. The first phase is a rough draft that can be produced at low cost which can be used for formative evaluation. Materials can be developed on a micro level and a macro level. Micro development could be an instructional module developed for a specific course or training.. Macro level develpment could be an entire curriculum deveopment for a school system or a training program developed for an organization. The type of development will affect the designers choice of models for development. For instance, for a micro developmet project such as an instructinal module you may call for the Open Learning Environments (OLE) model. This model is appropriate for micro level developmet because it is student centered which is classroom based. on the other hand, a macro development project such as designing a curriculum may call fo the Designing Constructivist Learning Enviroments because it is intended to foster problem solving which could be applied throughout a curriculum.

There are four subcategories in the Instructional Development domain:

  • print media
  • audiovisual media
  • electronic media
  • integrated media

Although the media selection has taken place in the design phase, there are several types of media that may be chosen depending upon analysis. Print media includes materials in hard copy form such as books, photographs, pamphlets, etc. Audiovisual media includes audio tapes, video tapes, DVD’s, etc. Electronic media includes Computer Based Instruction (CBI), Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI), Web-based instruction, CD based instruction, etc. Integrated media is any combination of the other three types of media.

The choice of media is based upon the analysis of the learners and environmental characteristics. For example, a training project for a large cooperation that spans several cities might choose a computer based self instructional module for employees instead of having the expense of traveling them to a central location for face to face instruction with print materials. Designers have a choice of models for media selection. Examples of these models include Reiser and Dick (1983) or Rapid Prototyping.

Competencies Job Desricriptions Evidence
Domain of Instructional Development
Develop projected and non-projected graphic instructional materials. Experience creating digital and online instructional resources required

512 project – Statistics Webquest Lesson Plan report

513 project- Algebra tutorial design document

Demonstrate ability to
produce audio scripts and audiotapes.
  513 – Algebra tutorial audio
Demonstrate the ability to produce still and motion photographic instructional materials, including knowledge and competencies in: film characteristics, camera operation, exposure, darkroom processes, lighting and color photography. Must have expert knowledge of computer graphic production software applications and interface design 513 project – graphics for Algebra tutorial
Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of perception and visual learning applicable to the design and production of photographic instructional materials   513 project – graphics for Algebra tutorial
Demonstrate knowledge of computer utilization practices and the ability to apply them in instructional settings including: computer literacy, software selection and evaluation, instructional management, hypermedia development and distance learning Knowledge of instructional resources and the use of technology resources for instruction course management systems required

512 project – Web Evaluation Instrument

513 project- Algebra tutorial

515 project WebCT module

SMEC Internship module

Design and produce
computer-based instruction, including drill-and-practice and tutorial
Works a part of instructional design team to develop
digital curriculum and instructional support materials.

515 project WebCT module

SMEC Internship module

Design and produce
interactive multimedia systems.
Program or direct programming of web-based training for interactive multimedia delivery

515 project WebCT module

SMEC Internship module

Develop curriculum and
apply instructional technology to the curriculum at the systems level, the
macro level, and the micro level.
Assists teachers in developing curriculum materials to utilize and integrate technology into the secondary curriculum

500 project-Geometry Proofs Tutorial–PowerPoint and Print Materials

510 project RiverdeepSoftware Usage of New Hanover County Schools Secondary Teachers Report

Demonstrate knowledge
and ability to design and produce self-instructional modules, training
manuals, instructor's guides, and job aids.
Must have expertise in web design and course management software

500 project-Geometry Proofs Tutorial–PowerPoint and Print Materials

513 project- Algebra tutorial

Design and produce mediated instruction. Must have multimedia design skills to incorporate text, graphics, video, and animation into educational resources.

515 project WebCT module

SMEC Internship module


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