Instructional Technology Portfolio for Susan Elizabeth Allred
Competencies Job Descriptions Evidence
Domain of Instructional Design   
Conduct performance analysis and determine the appropriateness of
instructional solutions for the problem
Assess training and performance needs of client
530 project – Center for Teaching Excellence Training Needs Assessment Report

530 project – Center for Teaching Excellence Training Needs Assessment Report

510 project RiverdeepSoftware Usage of New Hanover County Schools Secondary Teachers Report

500 project-Geometry proofs tutorial – LearnerAnalysis, Context Analysis, and Needs Assessment

Plan and conduct needs assessment.
Assess learner/trainee characteristics.
Analyze the characteristics of a setting (learning
Conduct analysis of jobs/tasks and content. Specifies learning objectives 500 project-Geometry proofs tutorial - Task
Sequence learner outcome. Establish performance outcomes for all programs and ensure that they meet the needs of clients. 500 project-Geometry Proofs Tutorial – Objectives and Assessment items
Specify instructional strategies and sequence the
instructional strategies
Select and use a variety of techniques for determining
instructional content and strategies
500 Project – Geometry Proofs Tutorial – Instructional
Determine instructional resources (media/computer
technology) appropriate to instructional activities.
Specifies learning materials design specifications

512 project – Statistics Webquest Lesson Plan report

513 project- Algebra tutorial design document

Select appropriate applied information
technologies to achieve instructional objectives.
Domain of Instructional Development
Develop projected and non-projected graphic instructional materials. Experience creating digital and online instructional resources required

512 project – Statistics Webquest Lesson Plan report

513 project- Algebra tutorial design document

Demonstrate ability to
produce audio scripts and audiotapes.
  513 – Algebra tutorial audio
Demonstrate the ability to produce still and motion photographic instructional materials, including knowledge and competencies in: film characteristics, camera operation, exposure, darkroom processes, lighting and color photography. Must have expert knowledge of computer graphic production software applications and interface design 513 project – graphics for Algebra tutorial
Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of perception and visual learning applicable to the design and production of photographic instructional materials   513 project – graphics for Algebra tutorial
Demonstrate knowledge of computer utilization practices and the ability to apply them in instructional settings including: computer literacy, software selection and evaluation, instructional management, hypermedia development and distance learning Knowledge of instructional resources and the use of technology resources for instruction course management systems required

512 project – Web Evaluation Instrument

513 project- Algebra tutorial

515 project WebCT module

SMEC Internship module

Design and produce
computer-based instruction, including drill-and-practice and tutorial
Works a part of instructional design team to develop
digital curriculum and instructional support materials.

515 project WebCT module

SMEC Internship module

Design and produce
interactive multimedia systems.
Program or direct programming of web-based training for interactive multimedia delivery

515 project WebCT module

SMEC Internship module

Develop curriculum and
apply instructional technology to the curriculum at the systems level, the
macro level, and the micro level.
Assists teachers in developing curriculum materials to utilize and integrate technology into the secondary curriculum

500 project-Geometry Proofs Tutorial–PowerPoint and Print Materials

510 project RiverdeepSoftware Usage of New Hanover County Schools Secondary Teachers Report

Demonstrate knowledge
and ability to design and produce self-instructional modules, training
manuals, instructor's guides, and job aids.
Must have expertise in web design and course management software

500 project-Geometry Proofs Tutorial–PowerPoint and Print Materials

513 project- Algebra tutorial

Design and produce mediated instruction. Must have multimedia design skills to incorporate text, graphics, video, and animation into educational resources.

515 project WebCT module

SMEC Internship module

Domain of Utilization
Apply principles of selection and use of materials and techniques relevant to a multicultural society (e.g., non-print, print, mass media, hardware, software, otheraudiovisual strategies. Collaborated with school library media coordinator to provide leadership in the schools use of instructional technology resources to enhance learning.

513 project- Algebra tutorial

515 project WebCT module

Apply leadership techniques with individuals and groups (interpersonal skills, group dynamics, team building and diffusion of innovations).

Facilitates school participation in technology programs and activities

Promotes family, business, and community partnerships that support the academic success, career readiness, and general well-being of all children.

515 group project

510 project RiverdeepSoftware Usage of New Hanover County Schools Secondary Teachers Report

530 project – Center for Teaching Excellence Training Needs Assessment Report

Promote the diffusion and adoption of the instructional development process. Conducts staff development in areas of technology integration, technology skills and competencies for educators.

510 project RiverdeepSoftware Usage of New Hanover County Schools Secondary Teachers Report

530 project – Center for Teaching Excellence Training Needs Assessment Report

Demonstrate a knowledge of the laws and regulations which govern the selection and utilization of media/emerging technology, including copyright, censorship, State Board Regulations, Local Board Policies, etc

Implements best practices related to technology use in the school program based on research, pilot programs, and state and national standards.

Adheres to and communicates copyright as well as other laws and guidelines pertaining to the distribution and ethical use of all resources

522 project – Ashley High School Project Management Report
Domain of Management
Plan, create, monitor, and facilitate instructional design projects. Works with the principal and school leadership team to provide access to technology resources and services of the technology facilitator at point of need.

510 project RiverdeepSoftware Usage of New Hanover County Schools Secondary Teachers Report

520 Project Management Report

Organize the instructional project or service unit to operate effectively and efficiently. Works with teachers and technology staff in the selection of resources that are compatible with the school technology infrastructure

510 project RiverdeepSoftware Usage of New Hanover County Schools Secondary Teachers Report

520 Project Management Report

530 project – Center for Teaching Excellence Training Needs Assessment Report

Manage personnel and facilities. Establish systems and procedures that serve to monitor programs’ use and effectiveness.

510 project RiverdeepSoftware Usage of New Hanover County Schools Secondary Teachers Report

520 Project Management Report

Plan and implement organizational change. Assists in planning and implementation of instructional technology program

510 project RiverdeepSoftware Usage of New Hanover County Schools Secondary Teachers Report

520 Project Management Report

530 project – Center for Teaching Excellence Training Needs Assessment Report

Design instructional management systems Assists with planning and the design of the technology infrastructure so that information resources are continually available to the school community

510 project RiverdeepSoftware Usage of New Hanover County Schools Secondary Teachers Report

520 Project Management Report

530 project – Center for Teaching Excellence Training Needs Assessment Report

Domain of Evaluation
Plan and conduct needs assessment. Assess and design training and performance needs of client population. 530 project – Center for Teaching Excellence Training Needs Assessment Report
Plan and conduct evaluation of instruction/training. Leads in the ongoing evaluation of the effectiveness of the instructional technology program

500 project-Geometry Proofs Tutorial – Evaluation Results

515 project WebCT module

Plan and conduct summative evaluation of instruction/training.    
Plan and conduct product evaluation.

Monitors the computer competency assessment plan for staff in grades 6-12

Specifies learning impact and measures of student learning

512 project – Web Evaluation Instrument
Communication Skills

Must have excellent professional customer service skill, interpersonal communication skills, and time management experience.

Must have the ability to work independently or part of a team.

Patsy McQuiston Letter

Michel Fougeres Letter

Dr. Bettie Glenn Letter

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