Instructional Technology Portfolio for Susan Elizabeth Allred

513 Got Algebra Tutorial Annotation


This project was developed as a partial requirement for MIT 513: Computer Based Instruction in the spring semester of 2004 under the direction of Dr. Arnold Murdock. The project involved the development of a tutorial for the exceptional children's department at Ashley High School. As part of the project design, I conducted a problem analysis and context analysis to develop a plan in which interactivity and visual learning were the core instructional strategies. The tutorial was developed based upon Mayer's Designing Instruction for Constructivists Learning theory. I then developed the instructional units as an interactive tutorial that catered to individual learners by assigning lessons needed based upon performance on a prerequisite skills test.


I developed the tutorial individually, but consulted with an exceptional children expert. There was no budget for this project, but there was a timeline in order for the teachers to implement the new tutorial the following school year. Most of the graphics were created in Adobe Photoshop, some were adapted and/or modified from


The tutorial was burned to compact discs and distributed to each of the eight exceptional children’s resource teachers. The teachers are using the CD's for supplemental instruction. They report that the students like the interactivity. Currently, there are four modules developed. There will be two more modules developed and additional content added to the four existing modules this summer.


I assumed the role of instructional designer for this project. I completed the front end analysis and designed the instructional content. I also assumed the role of developer in which I developed the tutorial in Toolbook and many of the graphics in Adobe Photoshop.


The major constraint when developing this module was time. Learning Toolbook and developing a tutorial in a semesters time was a tremendous task. This project greatly improved my knowledge of screen design. I am very pleased with the outcome of the tutorial, thus far, except for the sound. I have several volume issues with the voiceovers. Also, the feedback audio throughout the tutorial is the same non-subtle sounds. I am going to change that aspect along with the development of the new modules this summer.

Download Toolbook 8.6 Neuron plugin in order to view this project

Competencies Job Descriptions Evidence Rationale
Domain of Instructional Design
Determine instructional resources (media/computer
technology) appropriate to instructional activities.
Specifies learning materials design specifications

513 project- Algebra tutorial design document

This report illustrates the selection of appropriate instructional strategies and information technologies to the individual needs of the learner
Select appropriate applied information
technologies to achieve instructional objectives.
Domain of Instructional Development
Develop projected and non-projected graphic instructional materials. Experience creating digital and online instructional resources required 513 project- Algebra tutorial design document This report illustrates the processes and tools used to development of graphic instructional materials
Demonstrate ability to
produce audio scripts and audiotapes.
  513 – Algebra tutorial audio This voice over illustrates the ability to produce audio scripts
Demonstrate the ability to produce still and motion photographic instructional materials, including knowledge and competencies in: film characteristics, camera operation, exposure, darkroom processes, lighting and color photography. Must have expert knowledge of computer graphic production software applications and interface design 513 project – graphics for Algebra tutorial This graphic illustrates the ability to produce still photographic instructional materials
Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of perception and visual learning applicable to the design and production of photographic instructional materials   513 project – graphics for Algebra tutorial This tutorial illustrates the application of knowledge of principles of perception and visual learning principles tot the design and production of photographic instructional materials
Demonstrate knowledge of computer utilization practices and the ability to apply them in instructional settings including: computer literacy, software selection and evaluation, instructional management, hypermedia development and distance learning Knowledge of instructional resources and the use of technology resources for instruction course management systems required

513 project- Algebra tutorial

This tutorial illustrates the ability to apply knowledge of computer utilization practices in an instructional setting
Demonstrate knowledge
and ability to design and produce self-instructional modules, training
manuals, instructor's guides, and job aids.
Must have expertise in web design and course management software

513 project- Algebra tutorial

This tutorial illustrates the ability to produce self instructional materials
Domain of Utilization
Apply principles of selection and use of materials and techniques relevant to a multicultural society (e.g., non-print, print, mass media, hardware, software, other audiovisual strategies. Collaborated with school library media coordinator to provide leadership in the schools use of instructional technology resources to enhance learning.

513 project- Algebra tutorial

This tutorial illustrates the ability to apply principles of selection and use relevant to an exceptional children population

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