Context and Conditions
This project was developed for MIT 514: Distance Education in the summer of 2005 under the direction of Dr. Jennifer Summerville. The culminating project of this course was to design and develop a lesson plan to be delivered in a distance learning setting. Learner characteristics and the logistics of teaching in a distance setting influenced the choice of instructional strategies presented. The final lesson was delivered by video conference on the campus of the University of North Carolina Wilmington. The lesson incorporated the use of various audiovisual equipment as well as PowerPoint and Yahoo Messenger. An evaluation form was created and used to gather feedback from the learners who took part in the lesson at both the near and far site.
The project was completed in collaboration with a fellow MIT student, Helen Lipka. We completed the project and delivered the instruction together.
The lesson plan includes goals and objectives for the lesson in correlation to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Learner characteristics and teaching strategies are listed based on the intended audience. The structure of the lesson involved the presentation of materials, and guided activities and interaction of the learners with each other. The instruction was delivered from one classroom with video cameras and microphones. The learners were located in the classroom (near site) and in another classroom (far site) on the same campus. Both rooms were equipped with video cameras, microphones, computers, a document camera, and television screens.
Part of the lesson involved the use of a video tape recording of a web conference that we held prior to the actual lesson. Using Yahoo Messenger and a webcam, we set up an interview with an American woman who has worked and lived in Kabul, Afghanistan for the past two years. She gave us answered questions we had about Afghanistan’s culture and values in relation to women and families. Segments of the interview were to be played during the lesson and student could reflect on the information heard.
I played the role as the instructional designer and instructor for the lesson. I worked collaboratively with my classmate to design and deliver the lesson. I also corresponded with the woman in Afghanistan and worked with the UNCW audiovisual technicians to set up a web conference earlier than the lesson so that it could be recorded.
I gained experience in teaching to two separate sets of learners at the same time. Learning how to instruct students and keep them engaged during a lesson was one of the focal points of the delivery of this lesson. I had to choose instructional strategies that would utilize various forms of multimedia (PowerPoint, document cameras, microphones, video cameras, and CD players).
Specify instructional strategies and sequence the instructional strategies |
Lesson Plan Details (PDF) |
The lesson plan provides documentation of the instructional strategies and a plan for using them in sequence to contribute to learning. |
Determine instructional resources (media/computer technology) appropriate to instructional activities |
Lesson Plan Details (PDF)
"Women in Kabul" Slide presentation
The lesson plan provides documentation that identifies various media chosen for instructional activies.
Demonstrate ability to produce audio scripts and audiotapes. |
Lesson Plan Storyboard
The storyboard represents the plan for the lesson which includes the use of audiovisual materials.
Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of perception and visual learning applicable to the design and production of photographic instructional materials. |
Lesson Plan Details (PDF)
"Women in Kabul" Slide presentation |
The lesson plan and PowerPoint file demonstrates knowledge of visual learning principles applicable to the design and production of instructional materials.
Demonstrate knowledge of computer utilization practices and the ability to apply them in instructional settings including: computer literacy, software selection and evaluation, instructional management, hypermedia development and distance learning.
Lesson Plan Details (PDF)
"Women in Kabul" Slide presentation |
The lesson plan and PowerPoint file demonstrates knowledge of computer utilization practices and the ability to apply them in instructional settings and in distance learning settings. |
Design and produce mediated instruction. |
Lesson Plan Details (PDF)
"Women in Kabul" Slide presentation
The lesson plan demonstrates the ability to design and produce mediated instruction.
Apply principles of selection and use of materials and techniques relevant to a multicultural society (e.g., non-print, print, mass media, hardware, software, and other audiovisual strategies).
Lesson Plan Details (PDF)
"Women in Kabul" Slide presentation |
The lesson plan provides documentation of the use of materials relevant to a multicultural society. |
Plan and conduct evaluation of instruction/training.
Lesson Evaluation Form (PDF) |
The evaluation form provides documentation of an evaluation that was conducted on this lesson plan. |
Plan and conduct summative evaluation of instruction/training. |
Lesson Evaluation Form (PDF)
Lesson Plan Details (PDF) |
The lesson plan provides documentation of the evaluation results provided after the lesson was implemented.