Marolyn Anith Schauss
Electronic Portfolio

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Field of IT





Other Artifacts
MIT 502 ~ MIT 510
MIT 511
~ MIT 520
MIT 522
~ MIT 530
MIT 531
~ MIT 542

Artifacts ~ MIT 500:

A Self-Instructional Module


Studying Relaxed Breathing


Studying Relaxed Breathing Techniques to Reduce Anger (main document)

Micro-Level Plan (page 3 the Executive summary of the main document)

Learner Analysis (page 10)

Environmental Analysis (page 12)

Task Analysis (Inspiration) (page 38)

Instructional Strategies (Manuals – PowerPoint) (link to PowerPoint)

Formative Evaluation Instrument (page 55)

Formative Evaluation Report (pages 59-78)

Context & Conditions

        Studying Relaxed Breathing Techniques to Reduce Anger was designed and developed as a partial requirement for MIT 500 Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research. The project was completed under the guidance of Dr. Mahnaz Moallem during the fall semester of 2005. The self-instructional module was developed for the local Wilmington, NC division of a national organization, Christian Women’s Job Corps (CWJC) to provide learning opportunities for participants to be aware of alternative methods for responding to emotions of anger.


            The project included analyzing, designing, developing, implementing and formatively evaluating a self-instructional material. The project analyzed the learner characteristics and the learning environment as well as the constraints and benefits of the physical and emotional setting. The project also involved extensive task analysis to identify the skills, knowledge and attitudes targeted for the design and development of the learning materials; and the selecting of sub-tasks to determine proper sequencing of knowledge, attitudes, and skills.

            The goals and objective and learning outcomes were used to identify the proper instructional strategies for the learning material. Identifying the proper media for delivery was selected to appropriately comply with the environmental constraints. Development of instructional materials included multimedia content through computer utilization of PowerPoint and a print manual for the purpose of knowledge transfer and retention. The hypermedia products included audio and visual materials.

            The self-instructional material was formatively evaluated using one-on-one and small group strategies. The results of each evaluation were summarized and used to revise the material to improve learning. The project was completed within one semester.


§         Instructional Designer

§         Subject Matter Expert

§         Graphic Designer

 I worked with a classmate to complete this project. We both played the role of instructional designers as well as subject matter experts. After my classmate and I decided to develop a self-instructional manual, an instructor manual, and a PowerPoint presentation of the self-instructional module, I took the responsibility of researching, and analyzing the initial materials. I also designed a questionnaire to formulate entry level knowledge and conducted formative evaluations. In addition I worked collaboratively with my partner to develop and implement the self-instructional materials.


            I learned that developing self-instructional materials for a diverse audience requires detailed analysis throughout each step of the project. I found that some techniques, such as using checklists designed by Dick, Carey, and Carey (2005), can be very helpful to ascertain the accuracy of the front-end analysis. The MIT 500 project laid the foundation for understanding the need for precise discovery of learner characteristics and environmental context. Interviews, observations and initial surveys were congruent with CWJC’s goals, project outcomes and evaluations. MIT 500 established the importance of working directly with the manager, the subject matter experts, as well as the learners throughout each step of the project.

            Although this particular project was my first experience with developing multi-media self-instructional materials, I would not change any of the front end systematic analysis. However, I would now incorporate more computer based technology and definitely embed links to some of the video-research information for affirmation of validity and reliability for the learner.

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Domain of Instructional Design


MIT Competencies

MIT Artifacts

Artifact Rationale

Assess learner/trainee characteristics.


Learner Analysis
(page 10)


Analyzed the learner characteristics to guide a path to designing appropriate learning strategies and tools.


Analyze the characteristics of a setting (learning environment).


Environmental Analysis
(page 12)


Analyzed the learning environment and identifies the constraints as well as the benefits of the physical and emotional setting.


Conduct analysis of jobs/tasks and content.


Task Analysis (Inspiration)
(page 38)


Involved extensive task analysis to identify skills, knowledge and attitudes targeted for the design and development of the learning material.


Sequence learner outcome.


Task Analysis (Inspiration)
(page 38)


Involved analysis of the tasks and sub-tasks to identify proper sequence of knowledge and skills.


Specify instructional strategies and sequence the instructional strategies.


Instructional Strategies
(Manuals – PowerPoint)

(link to PowerPoint)


Learner outcomes and learner environmental analysis was used to identify proper instructional strategies for the learning material.


Select appropriate applied information technologies to achieve instructional objectives.



Instructional Strategies
(Manuals – PowerPoint)

(link to PowerPoint)


Identified proper media of delivery that match the learner needs and complied with environmental constraints

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Domain of Instructional Development


MIT Competencies

MIT Artifacts

Artifact Rationale

Develop projected and non-projected graphic instructional materials

 Instructional Strategies (Manuals – PowerPoint)
(link to PowerPoint)


Included instructional materials where multimedia content were designed and included in the final product.


Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of perception and visual learning applicable to the design and production of  instructional materials

Studying Relaxed Breathing Techniques to Reduce Anger
(link to the big document)


Demonstrated a micro instructional design process where the focus was on the appropriate content for the appropriate learner. The instruction incorporated a print manual, a PowerPoint presentation and a workbook.


Demonstrate knowledge of computer utilization practices and the ability to apply them in instructional settings including: computer literacy, software selection and evaluation, instructional management, hypermedia development.


Studying Relaxed Breathing Techniques to Reduce Anger (link to the big document)


Demonstrates computer utilization through the implementation of PowerPoint instruction referencing materials in the form of a print manual.


Design and produce computer based instruction, including drill-and-practice and tutorial programs.

Instructional Strategies
(Manuals – PowerPoint)
(link to PowerPoint)


Demonstrated how to design curriculum products, and tutorial products for the purpose of knowledge transfer and retention.


Design and produce interactive multimedia systems.

Instructional Strategies
 (Manuals – PowerPoint)
(link to PowerPoint)


Demonstrated the meshing of several hypermedia products to help interact with audio and visual media systems.


Demonstrate knowledge and ability to design and produce self-instructional modules, training, manuals, instructor’s guides and job aids.

 Studying Relaxed Breathing Techniques to Reduce Anger (link to the big document)


Demonstrated knowledge and ability to design and produce self-instructional modules, training, manuals and job aids. Each module ensured the requirements were met for the deliverables.


Design and produce mediated instruction.

 Instructional Strategies (Manuals – PowerPoint) (link to PowerPoint)


Demonstrated mediated self-instruction through the use of computer based lessons and print materials.


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Domain of Utilization


MIT Competencies

MIT Artifacts

Artifact Rationale

Apply leadership techniques with individuals and groups (interpersonal skills, group dynamics, team building and diffusion of innovations).

Instructional Strategies
 (Manuals – PowerPoint)

(link to PowerPoint)


A team of two individuals worked collaboratively to design and develop materials. Multiple team building strategies to complete the projects were implemented.


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Domain of Evaluation


MIT Competencies

MIT Artifacts

Artifact Rationale

Plan and conduct formative evaluation of instruction / training.


Formative Evaluation Report (pages 59-78)


Involved formative evaluation of the instructional materials. Following each formative evaluation, the materials were revised.



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