Marolyn Anith Schauss
Electronic Portfolio

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Field of IT





Other Artifacts
MIT 500
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Artifacts ~ MIT 522:
Organization & Management of Instructional Technology Programs


Minding the Gap


Minding the Gap at Girl’s Inc. ( main document)

Macro-Level Plan (page 3)

Edyburn’s Model of the Technology Integration Process (page 17)

Proposed Change (page 6)

Environmental Analysis (page 10)

Evaluation Summary (page 11-15)

Context & Conditions

        Minding the Gap at Girl’s Inc. was designed and developed as a requirement for MIT 522 Organization & Management of Instructional Technology Programs. The project was completed under the guidance of Dr. Mahnaz Moallem during the spring semester of 2006. The project was developed by a university team of four graduate students. The systems module was developed for Girl’s Inc., Wilmington, NC. Charles Reigeluths’ Envisioning a New System of Education and Edyburn's Model of the Technology Integration Process led the design to the development of a computer-based authoring system for Girl’s Inc.


        The MIT 522 project included planning and developing a technology plan, evaluating and analyzing the readiness for a new technology project, and evaluating and analyzing an educational institution. The project identified available resources, support systems, scheduling, budgeting, environmental constraints and goals to parallel the mission statement and legal policies and procedures of an organization.


§         Instructional Designer

        I was one member of a team of four classmates to complete the project. As an Instructional Designer my first responsibilities were to research the materials regarding organization and management of instructional technology programs. I met with the manager of organization. and researched the goals and mission statements, and applicable policies and regulations. I participated in designing an initial survey which was distributed to the learners as well as the seven staff members regarding proposed software. I tallied the results of the survey and presented the information to our team for review. I also read different models pertaining to the MIT 522 program and reported my findings to the rest of the team. A team decision was made to incorporate Edyburn’s model of the technology integration process.

            Using Edyburn’s model, I worked with the team to develop a professional plan of: selection; acquisition; implementation; and integration. Paralleling the research I developed a Gantt charting of each phase of events, time, resources and projected costs. Each team member provided information for the Gantt input. I created a separate chart for budget and timeline to include accurate financial data provided by a subject matter expert team member. I researched potential grant applications including the Dell Foundation to provide the learning institution with possible funding should a decision be made to hire an Instructional Designer to integrate the system.


            MIT 522 provided the necessary information for evaluation and change within an educational institution. I learned I should spend more time with the learners as well as management to determine in a more expedient manner the organizations need for technological programs. Working with Girl’s Inc. provided an understanding of the necessity for clarifying the learner and environmental characteristics and the communication goals between an organization and an instructional designer.  

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Domain of Instructional Design


MIT Competencies

MIT Artifacts

Artifact Rationale

Conduct performance analysis and determine the appropriateness of instructional solutions for the problem.


Environmental Analysis
(page 10)


MIT 522 project involved a non-profit organization, trying to receive computerized help. Performance analyses were run to discover if computerization was appropriate for helping the organization.


Plan and conduct needs assessment.


Edyburn’s Model of the Technology Integration Process (page 17)


Initial steps in the project executed a needs assessment and determined a software deficiency among other needs. 


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Domain of Utilization


MIT Competencies

MIT Artifacts

Artifact Rationale

Apply principles of selection and use of materials and techniques relevant to a multicultural society (e.g., non-print, print, mass media, hardware, software and other strategies).


Edyburn’s Model of the Technology Integration Process (page 17)


Applied the principles of selection throughout the planning, development, analyzing, and evaluation of the project.


Promote the diffusion and adoption of the instructional development process.


Proposed Change
(page 6)


Provided evidence of selecting a change model and applying change throughout the process of planning and implementing a change.



Promote the diffusion and adoption of the instructional development process.



Edyburn’s Model of the Technology Integration Process (page 17)


Provided evidence of selecting a change model through planned strategies for the purpose of gaining adoption of an innovation.



Demonstrate a knowledge of the laws and regulations which govern the selection and utilization of media/emerging technology, including copyright, censorship, State Board Regulations, Local Board Policies, etc.


Macro-Level Plan
(page 3)


Demonstrated compliance with all local and federal rules. Furthermore, MIT 522 is designed to comply with local and as well as national requirements for Mission and Goal statements.


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Domain of Management


MIT Competencies

MIT Artifacts

Artifact Rationale

Plan create, monitor, and facilitate instructional design projects.


Evaluation Summary
(page 11-15)


The MIT 522 project determined the gap within the infrastructure and conducted planning and monitoring of the process for change. The planning included Gantt and PERT charts detailing every step of activity to meet the client’s timeframe, budget and need.



Organize the instructional project or service unit to operate effectively and efficiently.


Evaluation Summary
(page 11-15)


Demonstrated communication, management, and organizational skills for each aspect of the instructional project from determining the gap to evaluation of the product.



Manage personnel and facilities.


Minding the Gap at Girl’s Inc. (link to the main doc)


Identified the change management team and defined the roles and responsibilities of various human resources. In addition, facilities and required resources were carefully identified and managed.


Plan and implement organizational change.

Evaluation Summary
(page 11-15)


The ID team designed a plan for computer software awareness and implementation. Additionally, the project proposed / recommended options for obtaining Grant monies for the proposed/recommended software.


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Domain of Evaluation


Plan and conduct needs assessment.


Proposed Change
(page 6)

Conducted a needs assessment to determine the gap. On the basis of the gap analysis, the appropriate actions were identified and planned for implementation.


Plan and conduct summative evaluation of instruction / training.


Proposed Change
(page 6)

The MIT 522 team planned for the conducting of a summative evaluation after implementation of the change project.




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