Marolyn Anith Schauss
Electronic Portfolio

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Field of IT





Other Artifacts
MIT 500
~ MIT 502
MIT 510
~ MIT 511
MIT 520
~ MIT 522
MIT 530
~ MIT 531

Artifacts ~ MIT 542:


Self-Instructional Model


Self Instructional Module for High School Math and Science Teachers on the SAS Website (main document)

Macro-Level Plan  (page 3)


Context & Conditions

        The manual was created for Karen B. Greene, Director, Math / Science Instructional Services, New Hanover County Schools. The manual was an independent study created as part of the requirements for graduate course MIT 542 Internship, summer session 2006 under the supervision of Karen B. Greene and Dr. Mahnaz Moallem, Professor MSIT, UNC-Wilmington. The time-frame was completed within one summer session.


            MIT 542 provided the opportunity to apply instructional technology to a real-world setting. The self instructional module incorporated the skills and knowledge of the domains of Design, Development, and Delivery. Each segment of the instructional lesson was in compliance with state and national standards for grades k-12. The manual was designed to operate in conjunction with a computer. The math and science department teachers and students are using the manual for Internet educational connections.


            I was contracted as an instructional designer to provide math and science teachers with a self instructional module for opening and using an on-line educational environment. As the instructional designer I began the project by verifying the targeted goals of the math and science department and scheduling meetings with the director. The director provided me with an Internet link for the proposed environment. I began studying every aspect of how the educational site presents information and subsequently structured linked information for the teachers. I provided step by step instructions for teachers to follow when needing to connect to the educational Internet environment. I designed the module to be consistent in formatting and design following the theories of Mayer and Lohr. Once the initial teacher manual had been concluded, the director suggested the need for a student section and a resource for teachers section. I presented all three sections in the final project.


            The MIT 542 real-world application gave me the knowledge of working in an educational environment. Thoroughly understanding the goals to be accomplished was the first step towards delivery of the manual. The goals were incorporated in the objectives of using the SAS environment for math and science teachers. Formative evaluations and revisions were obtained from Subject Matter Experts. Maintaining close contact with the director of a project is a real world necessity. I found the MIT 542 internship to be a valuable asset towards developing self-instructional module skills.

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Domain of Instructional Design


MIT Competencies

MIT Artifacts

Artifact Rationale

Conduct analysis of jobs/tasks and content.


Self Instructional Module for High School Math and Science Teachers on the SAS Website
(main document)


The MIT 542 project analyzed the structural characteristics of the task and determined appropriate outcomes.


Specify instructional strategies and sequence the instructional strategies.


Self Instructional Module for High School Math and Science Teachers on the SAS Website
(main document)


The MIT 542 project involved identifying instructional strategies and then properly sequencing the strategies to achieve learning outcomes.


Determine instructional resources (media/computer technology) appropriate to instructional activities.


Self Instructional Module for High School Math and Science Teachers on the SAS Website
(main document)


The MIT 542 project determined two specific resources (printed material and an on-line web site), for the learners to accomplish SAS instruction.


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Domain of Instructional Development


MIT Competencies

MIT Artifacts

Artifact Rationale

Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of perception and visual learning applicable to the design and production of instructional materials.


Self Instructional Module for High School Math and Science Teachers on the SAS Website
(main document)


The MIT 542 project demonstrated real-world knowledge and skills for the learner, initiating cognitive processes for the developed print manual and web site.


Design and produce interactive multimedia systems.

Self Instructional Module for High School Math and Science Teachers on the SAS Website
(main document)


The MIT 542 Internship provided an opportunity to design an interactive module within the SAS learning environment.


Demonstrate knowledge and ability to design and produce self-instructional modules, training, manuals, instructor’s guides and job aids.

Self Instructional Module for High School Math and Science Teachers on the SAS Website
(main document)


The MIT 542 project developed instructional materials for math and science teachers in a SAS on-line environment.


Design and produce mediated instruction.

Self Instructional Module for High School Math and Science Teachers on the SAS Website
(main document)


The MIT 542 project demonstrated mediated instruction using print based and computer based training for math and science teachers.


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Domain of Utilization


MIT Competencies

MIT Artifacts

Artifact Rationale

Apply principles of selection and use of materials and techniques relevant to a multicultural society (e.g., non-print, print, mass media, hardware, software and other strategies).

Self Instructional Module for High School Math and Science Teachers on the SAS Website
(main document)


MIT 542 applied the principles of selecting materials and techniques by using a community of learners and the learners’ characteristics and by considering the best practices for addressing the learners’ needs.




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