MIT 503

The Fundamentals of Programming Artifacts


Context and Conditions

These projects were a requirement for MIT 503: Fundamental of computer Programming completed in the Fall of 2007 under the direction of Jack Tompkins.  Using Adobe Flash and pre-written code, these two projects were modified by modifying the code.  These projects were completed individually using a variety of software. 


The projects required for this course were to introduce the basics concepts of programming including logic and scripting languages such as Action Script.  The final project was the compilation of the projects into one auto run CD. A variety of software was used to complete the projects such as Adobe Flash, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Squeak, and advance use of Excel.    


Each project was an individual effort.  I took on the role of developer for each project.  In each project, I was able to manipulate the code and modify existing projects using Adobe Flash. 


I found this class to be overwhelming at times.  One needed to have a strong foundation in the area of math.  Although this class proved to be extremely difficult, I found this class very useful from the practical point of view.  I was able to gain some knowledge of coding which has helped me in my current job.  In reflection, I wish I had spent more time working in Adobe Flash. 

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The Domain of Development


Job Description



Demonstrate the ability to produce still and motion photographic instructional materials, including knowledge and competencies in:  film characteristics, camera operation, exposure, darkroom processes, lighting and color photography.


Designs and develops e-learning courses using multiple authoring software tools

MIT-503- The Fundamentals of Computer Programming-Programming Portfolio

These artifacts demonstrate my ability to develop and incorporate a variety of multimedia, such as still and motion graphics by using Adobe Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and Captivate




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