MIT- 511


Sheri's Scuba Photos


Context and Conditions

This project was a requirement for MIT 511:  Multimedia Design and Development in Fall 2006, under the supervision of Dr. Arnold MurdockThe project was to design and develop a web page.  I created an e-portfolio and a personal web site for this class to showcase my technical proficiency and ability to apply appropriate design principles such as Mayer Model for Multimedia.  To create the e-portfolio, I used a variety of software such as Adobe Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, and Photoshop.   


When designing the web sites I used a variety of multimedia products.   For e-portfolio I used Fireworks to design my navigation, and written content.  I then developed the e-portfolio using Dreamweaver. 

For my personal web site, I used Photoshop to edit my photos; Fireworks to develop the navigation and buttons; Flash to create a slideshow; and the product was then developed in Dreamweaver. 


This project was an individual effort.  My primary role was as an instructional designer and web developer.   As the instructional designer, I had to consider my audience.  The e-portfolio was designed to showcase my professional skills.  Not only did the content have to be professional but I wanted the look and feel of the web site to illustrate professionalism. In contrast, my personal site was to showcase my underwater photos to friends and family.  I was able to create a fun environment through my choice of icons and font styles. 

As a developer, I utilized a variety of multimedia to create a finished product.  I created objects in Fireworks, animated them, and exported them into Dreamweaver to use as buttons or navigation.  Using Fireworks to create the navigation, I was able to use a variety of effects such as rollover buttons and font styles. 


This project allowed me to learn a variety of software such as the Adobe Suite:  Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Flash, and Photoshop and at the same time research design principles.  This was a difficult project because of the design aspect.  Working with color scheme and navigation, I wanted to be sure that it would also be ADA compliant. 

Although I wanted to have an ADA compliant web site, using Fireworks did not accomplish this goal.  It is difficult for screen readers to read the navigation.  I also wished I had known about the template feature in Dreamweaver.  Whenever I would make a change to the navigation, I would have to re-load it into each individual page.  Now that I am using templates, changes are much easier to make.

Furthermore, if I needed to make a change with the navigation, it proved very difficult and time consuming to go into Fireworks, edit the navigation, and re-load into Dreamweaver.  In reflection, I did accomplish many goals one of which was to learn the technology.

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The Domain of Development


Job Description



Develop projected and non-projected graphic instructional materials.

Demonstrates experience in graphic design

MIT 511 – Multimedia Design and Development - Personal E-Portfolio

These artifacts demonstrate my ability to design and create multi-media graphics

Demonstrate the ability to produce still and motion photographic instructional materials, including knowledge and competencies in:  film characteristics, camera operation, exposure, darkroom processes, lighting and color photography.


Designs and develops e-learning courses using multiple authoring software tools

MIT 511 – Multimedia Design and Development - Personal E-Portfolio

These artifacts demonstrate my ability to develop and incorporate a variety of multimedia, such as still and motion graphics by using Adobe Fireworks, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and Captivate

Demonstrate knowledge of the principles of perception and visual learning applicable to the design and production of photographic instructional materials.

Use authoring tools and technologies, such as Flash and Dreamweaver, to create instructional materials

MIT 500  – Instructional Systems Design:  Theory and Research - Universal Reader

MIT 511 – Multimedia Design and Development - Personal E-Portfolio

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