Sheri Anderson
3407 Ashley Circle • Wilmington, NC 28403 • Ph: (910) 520-0185 •
M.S. Instructional Technology May 2008
Watson School of Education
University of North Carolina Wilmington
B.A. Art History May 1998
College of Arts and Sciences
University of North Carolina Wilmington
Teacher Certification, May 2002
Special Education: Learning Disabilities
Special Education: Mental Retardation
Professional Experience
E-Learning Instructional Support Specialist
June 2007- Present
University of North Carolina Wilmington
- Collaborate with an inter-institutional consortium to develop and implement project plans
- Design, develop, and implement training for Blackboard Vista, Podcasting, and various instructional software packages
- Design and develop job aides for Blackboard Vista
- Train faculty to use Blackboard Vista
- Collaborate with university departments on special projects
- Maintain Blackboard web site
- Evaluate and recommend software
- Collect, analyze, and report formative evaluation data for Blackboard Vista faculty support
- Coordinate communication between faculty and the Office of E-Learning
Special Education Department Chair
January 2002 – June 2007
Eugene Ashley High School, Wilmington NC
- Developed curriculum for special education technology class
- Evaluated and made informed decisions on special education programs
- Maintained and monitored IEP records
- Set agendas and lead departmental meetings
- Assisted with the interviewing process
- Assisted with student scheduling
- Coordinated monthly meetings with multiple agencies
- Managed Teacher Assistant placement
- Designed, developed, and implemented a new technology curriculum
- Collaborated with outside agencies
- Managed the departmental budget
- Mentored new staff and all teaching assistants
- Coordinated caseloads for departmental staff
- Developed and managed annual special education class schedule
- Collaborated with special education chairs and administration to develop countywide policies and procedures
- Maintain documentation on progress for special education students
- Coordinated exit procedures for special education students
- Facilitated communication between UNCW and New Hanover County school special education teachers
- Collaborated with regular education teachers to provide interventions that aligned with their teaching style and the student’s Individualized Education Plan
Teaching Experience
Special Education Teacher
January 2002 – June 2007
Eugene Ashley High School, Wilmington NC
- Designed and delivered active lesson plans for a diverse student population
- Collaborated with other teachers to implement appropriate learning strategies
- Coordinated and governed IEP meetings to fulfill the needs of exceptional children
- Monitored consultative students through collaboration with other educators teachers
- Facilitated communication with parents, teachers, and other agencies
- Courses taught:
- Life Skills I: Math I & III, Social Studies I & II, English I, II, III, IV, Occupational Prep IV, and Academic Resource Skills Lab
Conference Presentations:
McQuiston, P. & Anderson S.L., (2008). A Support Strategy for Blackboard Vista Instructors. UNC-Teaching, Learning, and Technology, Raleigh, NC.
Allred, B., Anderson, S.L., McQuiston, P., (2008). 21st Century Mentoring - Using Technology to Enhance Mentoring Strategies. Mentoring 21st Century Educators, Wilmington, NC
Camtasia & SnagIt – Watson School of Education Faculty, (March 2008).
Blackboard Vista Overview – UNC Wilmington Faculty,
Technical Skills Workshop – New Hanover County Schools Homebound Teachers (November 2007).
ADA Compliance – New Hanover County Schools Special Education Teachers, (May 2007).
Goalview- Attaining Goal Percentages– New Hanover County Schools Special Education Teachers, (April 2007).
Program Development
“Computer Skills for Special Education Students” – This year long program was designed to teach special education students who strived to attend a 4 year university or community college technical skills. The curriculum incorporated teaching self-advocacy skills and ADA combined with technology to enhance their learning.
“EC Buddy Program” – This program partnered non-disable students with severe/profound life skills students and low functioning autistic students. The intent of the program was to integrate the special education students into a “regular” setting with their peers.
“Blackboard Help Course 24/7” – This course was designed to assist faculty and staff during non-business hours with design, development, and maintenance of their online Blackboard course(s).
Professional Service
- University of North Carolina Teaching and Learning with Technology Conference, Raleigh, NC March 12-14, 2008
To the University:
To the Community:
- Isaac Bear – portfolio reviewer
- Ashley High School – senior project reviewer
- IT Innovations Grant