MIT 511 - "Multimedia Design Projects"
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“A Wrinkle in Time” was designed and developed as a partial requirement for MIT 511: Multimedia Design and Development. The project was supervised in the fall of 2008 by Dr. Florence Martin. The project consisted of selecting a book and redesigning and developing a print redesign that was more consistent and cohesive in design.
This project was completed in a four week time frame. To complete this project, I worked independently. The assignment required me to identify an instructional problem, explain how the problem can be solved with a print redesign, identify the intended audience, explain the purpose of the instructional material, and provide rationale for why a redesign was necessary. The print redesign was completed in Adobe InDesign. After designing and developing the print redesign, two of my fellow MIT classmates reviewed my sample pages to give me feedback for revisions. Revisions were made based on their comments and then the project was submitted.
To complete this assignment, I was asked to apply typographical and graphic design principles to redesign an already existing print design. Utilizing Adobe InDesign, I created five sample pages: the front cover, table of contents page, a chapter title page, a chapter page, and a reference page (character tree). For this project, I utilized and referenced the following design criterion to guide me through the development process: bias and/or culture, clarity, cognitive learning aids, color, content, contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity, layout design, legibility of use, motivation, navigational helps, organization, scope, pacing, sequencing, realism, accuracy, typography, technical quality, usability and visuals. I used techniques and tools within Adobe InDesign to develop a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing print redesign.
For this project I worked independently to design and develop my print redesign project. After submitting my rough draft to my peers, my redesign was evaluated and using their feedback; revisions were made and then the print redesign was submitted.
For me, this print redesign was my first attempt at utilizing Adobe InDesign. Adobe InDesign can be a very daunting as a desktop publishing software to some people, especially if they have only used Microsoft Word or Publisher. I personally enjoyed navigating the software’s many tools and techniques. This was my first multimedia design and development project; I am very pleased with my final product.
"A Literary Guide to the Legend of Sleepy Hollow"
The graphic entitled “A Literary Guide to The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” was designed and developed as a partial requirement for MIT 511: Multimedia Design and Development. The project was supervised in the fall of 2008 by Dr. Florence Martin. The project consisted of designing and developing a graphic design for a DVD cover and a narrative that explains the process of designing and developing the graphic.
This project was completed in a two week time frame. To complete this project, I worked independently. The assignment required me to design a DVD cover for a hypothetical educational game. After designing and developing the graphic, two of my fellow MIT classmates reviewed my graphic to give me feedback for revisions. Revisions were made based on their comments and then the graphic was submitted.
To complete this assignment specified criteria guided me in the designing and developing processes. For this project, I utilized and ten design principles to assist me in the process of designing and developing the graphic. Also, within the image editing software I used techniques and tools that were new to me to layer the images and produce a well-blended final image.
For this project I worked independently to design and develop my graphic design. After two peers evaluated the graphic, revisions were made and then the graphic was submitted.
When I started this assignment, I wanted to make a DVD cover that would motivate the learner
to want to use the DVD inside. I knew that I wanted to use multiple layers because I wanted to learn how to blend photographs so that they looked like they fit together without appearing to be just thrown together in a Paintnet document. I know from experience that we are not supposed to judge a book by its cover, but in life people often judge materials by their front covers. I am very pleased with my final product. If I had to alter anything about the graphic, I would alter the text. I liked the font style because it had a haunting effect; but I think a different font color would have been more effective.
"How to Create a Social Network using"
“How to Create a Social Network using” was designed and developed as a partial requirement for MIT 511: Multimedia Design and Development. The project was supervised in the fall of 2008 by Dr. Florence Martin. The project consisted of designing and developing a job aid that provides support to learners on how to setup a social network using
This project was completed in a four week time frame. To complete this project, I worked independently. The assignment required me identify a problem, complete an audience analysis, determine what type of job aid would be designed, provide rationale for the project and explain the different design principles that assisted me in the design and development of the job aid. The job aid was completed in Camtasia. After designing and developing the job aid, two of my fellow MIT classmates reviewed my graphic to give me feedback for revisions. Revisions were made based on their comments and then the job aid was submitted.
To complete this assignment I was given specific criteria that guided me in the designing and developing processes. Utilizing Camtasia, I created a video tutorial that provided a step-by-step explanation of the process that needs to be completed to create a social network using For this project, I utilized the following design criteria to guide me through the development process: bias and/or culture, clarity, cognitive learning aids, content, color, contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity, layout design, navigational helps, special features, realism, motivation, typography, technical quality and usability. I used techniques and tools within Camtasia that were new to me such as adding captions and audio to the job aid.
For this project I worked independently to design and develop job aid. After submitting the job aid to my peers for evaluation, I utilized their feedback to make revisions before the job aid was submitted.
For me, this job aid was my first attempt at utilizing screen capture software to develop a video tutorial. I feel that the job aid is adequate, but now that I have a better knowledge of the program, I would alter the job aid. For me the audio does not seem to flow, so perhaps having a script would have helped.