Erin R. Gunter
994 St. Andrews Dr. Apt. 101
Wilmington, NC 28412

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC
B.A. in Sociology, August 2001 - May 2005Continuing Education
University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC
M.S. in Instructional Technology, January 2007 – May 2010Graduate Program Instructional Design Products
Bridging the Gap: Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives at Pine Valley Elementary School - a proposed action plan for closing the technology divide at Pine Valley Elementary School.
Gregory Elementary Technology Plan - a proposed technology change plan for the school.
Kitty Hawk Kayaks: Problem Identification, Problem and Cause Analysis and Kitty Hawk Kayaks: Report to Client – a project that identified a Human Performance Technology Problem and analyzed the problem to determine the best possible instructional solutions.
MIT Program Competencies and AECT New Definition Problem – created a needs assessment report that evaluated the current MIT curriculum in order to make changes to the structure of the program to ensure that the MIT program is adequately preparing graduates for the work force.
Penguins: Past & Present Learning Materials and Website – created a series of online learning materials for fourth and second grade science students and teachers aligned with North Carolina Standard Courses of Study and focused on learning about penguins. I also created a website that not only made the access to the materials easy, but also provided opportunity for the researchers to interact with local elementary schools.
PICNICS - created an instructional development plan for the NC Administrative Office of the Courts.
ROC’D: Self-Instructional Module – created an online self-instructional module for faculty members at UNCW. The module was designed and developed to assist faculty with learning how to create an assignment, create an electronic calendar, and create an assessment item utilizing Blackboard Vista. The self-instructional module was uploaded to a website that I created to make access to the materials easy.
Employment Experience
Pine Valley Elementary School, Wilmington, NC
Para-Educator Intense Behavior Support Program, August 2008-Present
University of North Carolina Wilmingtonl, Wilmington, NC
Technology Graduate Assistant, January 2008-July 2008
Roland Grise Middle School, Wilmington, NC
Para-Educator IBS Program, January 2007-August 2007
Residential Services Inc., Chapel Hill, NC
Direct Support Coordinator, July 2005 – December 2006
Technical Summary
Fluent in using the following software applications:
Microsoft Office 2000 Microsoft Office 2007
Microsoft FrontPage
Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Captivate CS3
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Corel Paintshop Pro
Norton Anti-virus
SmartBoard and Mimio
Blackboard Vista
Skype and Wimba
Worked with the following hardware:
SmartBoard and Mimio
IBM, Dell, Compaq computers and laptops
Network Communications Equipment
Document Camera Technology
Palm Pilot
Professional Opportunities
Completed the following formal professional development activities:
Camtasia and Snagit Workshop – Assisted in training the faculty at Watson School of Education on how to utilize these software programs to enhance their online courses, 2008
The HPT Model Applied to a Kayak Company’s Registration Process – A journal article that was published in Performance Improvement, vol. 48, no. 3, March 2009.
STEM Graphic – Created for the NSF project: JANUS: Creating 21st Century Elementary STEM Classrooms, submitted January, 2009
JANUS Graphic – Created for the NSF project: JANUS: Creating 21st Century Elementary STEM Classrooms, submitted January, 2009
- Penguins: Past & Present Website – Created as a part of my internship at UNCW working with Dr. Steve Emslie and his NSF grant for the study of penguins in Antarctica. It became an active website as of August 2009.