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MIT 510 – Implementation Plan of SAS inSchool Software

Context and Conditions

Working under the supervision of Dr. Mahnaz Moallem, the Implementation Plan of SAS inSchool Software was developed. SAS inSchools is a web based, interactive curriculum software resource for both teachers and students is provided free of charge through funding from the Bank of America Foundation, and in cooperation with the North Carolina Department of Instruction. SAS inSchools offers Curriculum Pathways to all North Carolina’s secondary public schools, grades 8 – 12. The New Hanover County School district was presented with this software resource opportunity through the Technology Department during the 2003 –2004 school year. The New Hanover County Technology Department provided training for the Computer Resource Teachers at the Middle and High School levels in December of 2003.

The Implementation Plan was completed with Addy Long, another MIT student. Throughout the analysis of the Technology Department it is clear that support is in place for integration of new software and resources, such as SAS inSchool, into the High and Middle School curriculum. The Technology Director along with the Lead Instructional Specialists recognized the importance of providing superior training to aid teachers with the integration of technology. In this way, they are helping meet the County’s technology plan objectives of curriculum integration. They also recognize the importance of incorporating new software and resources to address different methods of learning styles and multiple intelligences.


The project included a two-part report: (1) front-end analysis and (2) project proposal for implementing the recommended solution. In collaboration with another MIT graduate student, we conducted a front-end analysis to gather data and determine the problem and need. During the front-end analysis, we interviewed university faculty and staff who we had identified as key stakeholders. The project was completed and shared with the principal of Lakeside High School. One of the desired out comes of the project was to conduct training in the integration of the SAS inSchool software program. I provided training for the math and science teachers and also provided follow-up activities periodically throughout the year to help with the seamless integration of the software program into the curriculum areas.


I held dual roles during the development of the implementation plan. I took on the role of a Subject Matter Expert (SME) because I am the Computer Resource teacher at Lakeside. I was able to provide first hand knowledge of the system as well as communicate with the principal and teachers to gain their support for the integration of the free web based interactive software resource. My role changed during the front-end analysis phase of the project where I worked collaboratively with Addy Long by gathering data to interpret as well as develop an adequate problem statement for the project.


I valued this project because I understood the benefits of using the SAS inSchool software resource not only for the teachers but to promote the integration of technology in my school. Training was a success. The teachers began to use the software program in their subject specific areas. Students were provided a new vehicle to gain a better understanding of the subject matter and begin to take on ownership for their learning.





Domain of Design

Plan and conduct needs assessment

MIT 510 – Design and Development of Instructional Technology
~ Front End Analysis for the Implementation Plan of the SAS in School Software

~Planned and conducted full needs assessment using tools, techniques and purposes on the macro system level.

Analyze the characteristics of a Learning environment

MIT 510 –Design and Development of Instructional Technology
~ Needs Assessment for the Implementation Plan of the SAS in School Software

~Analyzed characteristics of learning environment.




Domain of Utilization

Apply leadership techniques with individuals and groups (interpersonal skills, group dynamics, team building and diffusion of innovations).

MIT 510 –Design and Development of Instructional Technology
~ Implementation Plan of the SAS in School Software

~Implement technology integration with consideration of leadership, interpersonal relations and group dynamics in the system.

~Lead technology implementation

Promote the diffusion and adoption of the instructional development process. (Select strategies appropriate for promoting the diffusion and adoption of the instructional development process in a given setting and state a rationale for the strategies)

MIT 510 –Design and Development of Instructional Technology
~ Implementation Plan of the SAS in School Software


~Developed change management plan utilizing principles of diffusion of innovations.




Domain of Management

Plan, create, monitor, and facilitate instructional design projects

MIT 510 –Design and Development of Instructional Technology
~ Implementation Plan of the SAS in School Software

~Plan, develop, and teach workshops and other activities in areas of instructional design.

~Plan and coordinate implementation of special activities to promote technology

Organize the instructional project or service unit to operate effectively and efficiently.

MIT 510 –Design and Development of Instructional Technology
~ Implementation Plan of the SAS in School Software

~ Development of the Gantt and Pert charts demonstrate the ability to efficiently organize the project

Manage personnel and facilities.

MIT 510 –Design and Development of Instructional Technology
~ Implementation Plan of the SAS in School Software

~Communication with principal and teachers.

~Analysis of computer lab facility
~ The Staffing Plan outlines the jobs of the personnel who will work on the Implementation Plan.

Plan and implement organizational change.

MIT 510 –Design and Development of Instructional Technology
~ Implementation Plan of the SAS in School Software

~Developed change management plan utilizing principles of diffusion of innovations.

Design instructional management systems

MIT 510 –Design and Development of Instructional Technology
~ Implementation Plan of the SAS in School Software

~ Planned process for creating, monitoring and facilitating the design and development of an instructional design project.




Domain of Evaluation

Plan and conduct needs assessment.

MIT 510 –Design and Development of Instructional Technology
~Front End Analysis for the Implementation Plan of the SAS in School Software

~ Collection of important information to analyze the operation system and identify the problem.




Communication Skills

Communication and Leadership Skills –

Apply leadership techniques with individual groups

MIT 510 –Design and Development of Instructional Technology
~ Implementation Plan of the SAS in School Software

~ Communication with the building principal and teachers regarding the SAS inSchools resource integration.

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