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MIT 522 - Organization and Management of Instructional Technology

Context and Conditions

Working under the direction of Mahnaz Moallem I helped develop and design a Technology Plan for Saint Mark Catholic School in Wilmington, North Carolina working with two other MIT students. The Technology Plan was part of a requirement as a student in the MIT 522 Organization and Management of Instructional Technology course at UNCW during the Spring of 2003.

Saint Mark School opened its doors for the first time in the fall of 2002. The school did not have a technology plan in place. Each classroom did have at least 2 computers. The Media Center, which was being used for small group computer instruction, had 8 computers for student use. There was a designated room which was wired for a computer lab during the construction of the school. After meeting with the principal, we learned that the room  was being used as an after school care program. Our team saw the need to develop and design a Technology Plan for implementation at St. Mark. We sent out surveys to teachers and students to get their input before we began the process. We studied the demographics as well as the students performance needs.


The Technology Plan opened with an Executive Summary, including the vision and mission of technology implementation for the school. The technology infrastructure was analyzed with specific and detailed documentation of the server, hardware and software available. We developed an Implementation Plan, Communication Plan as well as a Staff Development Plan for the School. We also included Technology Support Services, a Budget and Timeline for Implantation along with an evaluation of the plan.


I took on the role of an Instructional Designer during the Technology Development Plan. In the initial proposal I outlined the need for the change, the scope of the change, and explained who would help lead the change and what responsibilities they would have. Following the proposal, I analyzed the resources of the system. I evaluated the school's existing hardware, software, facilities, and personnel. Additionally, I examined existing policies, laws, and standards that were in place which influenced the requirements necessary for the development of the Technology plan.


The process of developing a Technology Plan for Saint Mark School was a wonderful learning experience. Working closely with the school personnel, as well as my two team members, I feel I learned a systematic way to analyze, assess, design and develop a Technology Plan for a school. I can truthfully say that I now understand more clearly the importance of the Implementation, Communication and Staff Development Plans. I also realize the time commitment involved to develop a successful plan.




Domain of Design

Analyze the characteristics of a Learning environment

MIT 522 – Organization and Management of Instructional Technology Programs
Analysis of technology resources, school facilities and human resources for the Technology Plan for St. Mark’s School

~Analyzed characteristics of learning environment to gather information before desisgning the Technology Plan.

Domain of Development

Demonstrate knowledge of computer utilization practices and the ability to apply them in instructional settings including: computer literacy, software selection and evaluation, instructional management, hypermedia development and distance learning.

MIT 522 – Organization and Management of Instructional Technology Programs
~ Technology Plan for St. Mark’s School

~Researched, evaluated and recommended hardware and software to be integrated in the Technology Plan.




Domain of Utilization

Apply leadership techniques with individuals and groups (interpersonal skills, group dynamics, team building and diffusion of innovations).

MIT 522 – Organization and Management of Instructional Technology Programs
~Communication Plan for the Technology Plan for St. Mark’s School

~Implemented technology integration with consideration of leadership, interpersonal relations and group dynamics inorder for the plan to be accepted in the system.

Demonstrate a knowledge of the laws and regulations which govern the selection and utilization of media/emerging technology, including copyright, censorship, State Board Regulations, Local Board Policies, etc.

MIT 522 – Organization and Management of Instructional Technology Programs
Technology Plan for St. Mark’s School

~Managed content copyright processes and developed procedures regarding the production and distribution of the Technologly Plan.

~Designed an Aceptable Use Policy forstudents and teachers at St. Mark's School.

Promote the diffusion and adoption of the instructional development process. (Select strategies appropriate for promoting the diffusion and adoption of the instructional development process in a given setting and state a rationale for the strategies)

MIT 522 – Organization and Management of Instructional TechnologyPrograms
~Implementation Plan for the Technology Plan for St. Mark’s School

~Developed a change management plan utilizing principles of diffusion of innovation.




Domain of Management

Organize the instructional project or service unit to operate effectively and efficiently.

MIT 522 – Organization and Management of Instructional Technology Programs
~Technology Pan for St. Marks School

~Responsibility for maintaining lab space and equipment / researches, evaluates and recommends hardware and software for use and purchase.

Manage personnel and facilities.

MIT 522 – Organization and Management of Instructional Technology Programs
~Staff Development and Infrastructure plan for the Technology Plan for St. Mark’s School

~Communication with principal and teachers.
~Analysis of computer lab facility.
~ The Staffing Plan outlines the roles of the personnel who will work on the Implementation Plan.

Plan and implement organizational change.

MIT 522 – Organization and Management of Instructional Technology Programs
~ Technology Plan for St. Mark’s School

~ Designed and developed a detailed technology plan incoporating the design and layout of the intended technology integration and use for St. Mark's School facilities.

Design instructional management systems

MIT 522 – Organization and Management of Instructional Technology Programs
~ Technology Plan for St. Mark’s School

~ Planned processes for creating, monitoring and facilitating the design and development of the St. Mark Technologly Plan




Domain of Evaluation

Plan and conduct needs assessment.

MIT 522 – Organization and Management of Instructional Technology Programs
~Needs analysis chart for the Technology Plan for St. Mark’s School

~ Collection of important information to analyze the operation system and identify the problem.




Communication Skills

Communication and Leadership Skills –

Apply leadership techniques with individual groups

MIT 522 – Organization and Management of Instructional Technology Programs
~ Communication Plan

~Teamwork on Projects for the Technology Plan for St. Mark’s School

~ Communication with the building principal and teachers regarding the Technology Plan initiative.

~Worked cooperatively with other members of the team throughout the design and development of the technology plan.

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