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MIT 530 – Needs Assessment Report - Evaluation and Change in Instructional Development

The "Needs Assessment Report" and "Change Management Plan" for Lakeside High School were developed during the Spring of 2005 as part of MIT 530, Evaluation and Change in  the Instructional Development Process.  The "Needs Assessment Report" was developed with a fellow MIT student. The "Change Management Plan" was developed individually.   The"Change Management Plan" is based entirely on the "Needs Assessment Report."  The reports were prepared for Lakeside Alternative High School in response to a problem of lack of technology integration in the 9th grade classes.

Context and Conditions

Working under the supervision of Dr. Sue-Jen Chen, Addy Long another MIT 530 student, we analyzed how technology was integrated into the academic courses at Lakeside High School. A detailed “Needs Assessment Report” and a “Change management Plan” was developed and shared with the building principal.

Lakeside High School is the alternative school for New Hanover County’s 9th grade students who struggle academically as well as behaviorally. The focus of Lakeside High School has changed this academic year, 2004 – 2005. The Administration for the school district saw the need to better serve rising 9th grade students who did not meet the local, state, and federal requirements for promotion based on the Federal, State, and Local guidelines. The goal of Lakeside is to prepare the 9th grade students to return to their home High School by offering a rigorous and varied curriculum in the core areas of Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies as well as Computer Applications.


Documentation was examined and information gathered concerning existing resources collected by the Computer Resource Teacher. Teachers’ were surveyed concerning their technology attitudes and skills. Teacher observations were conducted to see if technology integration is taking place. Interviews were conducted with the principal and all the 9th grade teachers. The stages of the Training Needs Assessment were designed and conducted to uncover the expected behaviors, actual behaviors, and attitudes of the 9th grade teachers concerning technology integration.  Six possible causes of the problem and five potential solutions were identified. 


I took on the role of a Subject Matter Expert (SME) throughout much of the Needs Assessment Plan. I gathered data, shared infrastructure information with my partner, and interviewed the principal as well as teachers. My role changed when I worked collaboratively with Addy Long to interpret the data and identify possible solutions and offer recommendations to the building principal. I took on the role of the change agent after discussing the results of the “Needs Assessment Plan” with the principal and developed a Change Management Plan to be implemented to increase the integration of technology at Lakeside High School.


Completing a detailed Needs Assessment for Lakeside High School was beneficial to me as the Computer Resource Teacher. I was able to objectively analyze the system using the techniques in Allison Rossett’s book, Training Needs Assessment. I was able to apply my education directly to my profession and I was able to see positive results.




Domain of Design

Plan and conduct needs assessment

MIT 530 –Evaluation and Change in Instructional Development
~ Needs Assessment Report for Lakeside High School

~ Conducted needs assessment to uncover the underlying problem of the lack of technology integration in the system.

Assess learner/trainee characteristics

MIT 530 - Evaluation and Change in Instructional Development
Teacher survey

~ The technology use survey that assessed current skills and attitudes was completed by the teachers in the school in order to determine why they were or were not using technology integration in their lessons.

Sequence learner outcome

MIT 530 - Evaluation and Change in Instructional Development
Change management plan

~ The Change Management Plan outlines expectations for teachers regarding technology integration.




Domain of Management

Plan and implement organizational change

MIT 530 –Evaluation and Change in Instructional Development
Change Management for Lakeside High School

~The Change Management Plan was created in response to the Needs Assessment and contains strategies that facilitate and monitor the change process.




Domain of Utilization

Promote the diffusion and adoption of the instructional development process. (Select strategies appropriate for promoting the diffusion and adoption of the instructional development process in a given setting and state a rationale for the strategies)

MIT 530 –Evaluation and Change in Instructional Development
~ Needs Assessment Report for Lakeside High School

~Developed a change management plan utilizing principles of diffusion of innovations.

Apply leadership techniques with individuals and groups (interpersonal skills, group dynamics, team building and diffusion of innovations)

MIT 530 –Evaluation and Change in Instructional Development
Change Management for Lakeside High School

~During the development of the change management plan I took into consideration leadership techniques, interpersonal relations and group dynamics of the individuals involved.




Domain of Evaluation

Plan and Conduct a needs assessment

MIT 530 –Evaluation and Change in Instructional Development
~ Needs Assessment Report for Lakeside High School

~ I utilized a needs assessment plan to uncover the problem of dealing with the lack of integration of technology at Lakeside.




Communication Skills

Communication and Leadership Skills

Apply leadership techniques with individual groups

MIT 530 –Evaluation and Change in Instructional Development
Change Management for Lakeside High School

~The Communication Plan demonstrates how I work and involve individuals to encourage change in a system.

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