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MIT 502 – The Systematic Approach to Performance Improvement

Context and Conditions

Working under the supervision of Dr. Murdock, I designed and developed a Systematic Performance Improvement Plan for Lakeside High School Integration of Technology in the Social Studies and Math Curriculum. The focus of the Human Performance Enhancement analysis is to reflect and uncover the reasons why the Social Studies and Math teachers do not integrate technology, use the available technology resources or sign up for computer lab time.


One of the main goals of the Technology Department and Lakeside High School is to integrate technology skills into each core subject area for student success. By integrating technology, the belief is to prepare students to be productive citizens in our global and technological society. The hope is to enable teachers to make use of various software and online programs, as well as using diverse teaching strategies to increase technology integration in accordance with North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Teachers receive training from the schools computer resource teacher for the integration of technology into their core subject area. Currently, the Science and Language Arts teachers at Lakeside use a variety of software programs along with online resources in their lessons.


As an instructional designer I conducted the performance analysis and created the performance improvment plan. Since I am the Computer Resource teacher at Lakeside I used my knowledge of the organizational structure as well as the conditions and relationships with the faculty and staff to encourage the integration of technology into the math and science classes.


I learned how to develop a performance enhancement plan by identifying the human performance problem. Analysis of the organization, the work environment, the work issues and the worker were examined in detail. I identified performance improvement strategies to be used as interventions in the system.




Domain of Design

Analyze performance problems to distinguish between situations requiring instructional solutions.

MIT 502 – The Systematic Approach to Performance Improvement
~Conduct Gap analysis in the Systematic Performance Improvement Plan for Lakeside High School

~Conducted a gap analysis to identify what is and what should be in the system surrounding the lack of technology integration in the math and science classes.

Analyze the characteristics of the learning environment MIT 502 _ The Systematic Approach
to Performance Improvement -

~ Conduct Gap analysis in the Systematic Improvement Plan for Lakeside High School
~Conducted a needs assessmsent of the learning environment to identify the performance problem.




Domain of Management

Plan, create, monitor, and facilitate instructional design projects

MIT 502 –The Systematic Approach to
Performance Improvement
~Gap analysis conducted for the Systematic Performance Improvement Plan

~ Developed a performance improvemnet plan after conducting a gap analysis to coordinate and implement the promotion of technology integration.

Plan and implement organizational change. MIT 502 – Systematic Performance Improvement
~ Performance analysis for the Systematic Performance Improvement Plan for Lakeside High School
~The perfomance analysis describes the design and layout of the performance enhancement plan.




Domain of Utilization

Promote the diffusion and adoption of the instructional development process. (Select strategies appropriate for promoting the diffusion and adoption of the instructional development process in a given setting and state a rationale for the strategies)

MIT 502 – Systematic Performance Improvement
Performance analysis for the Systematic Performance Improvement Plan for Lakeside High School


~Evaluated the school technology plan through the use of a performance ananlysis to identify the causes of the performance problem and offer strategies and solutions to overcome the problem.




Domain of Evaluation

Plan and conduct needs assessment.

MIT 502 – The Systematic Approach to Performance Improvement
~ Performance analysis for the Systematic Performance Improvement Plan for Lakeside High School

~Evaluated the system by conducting a perfomance analysis at the four levels: the organization, work environment, work issues and worker issues.

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