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MIT 512 - Computer Applications in Education

Context and Conditions

Under the direction of Dr. Chen I designed and developed Planning My Future WebQuest during the fall semester of 2003 as a component in the UNCW MIT 512 course called Computer Applications in Education.  The objective of this lesson was to incorporate technology into classroom teaching as well as apply instructional design theories.   The unit was designed to be used with middle school students enrolled in the Career and Technical Education courses. Other artifacts included for this course are: a web evaluation form, a web filtering position paper, and a computer workstation proposal.

This course provided the knowledge and skills on how to apply computer and information technology to educational environments and how to integrate these technologies into teaching and learning. The WebQuest, which was the majority of this course allowed students to work alone to research a career of interest, a constructivist approach to learning.


Students are on the verge of making educational decisions that will affect the rest of their lives. It is never too soon to think about the future! Students, in just a few short years, will become life long learners and workers; it is important for them to know themselves, their abilities, and their interests in order to fulfill their working potential.

The unit will start young people thinking of jobs they might find satisfying, what they can do now to start to get the skills needed for the job, and what education and skills will still be needed. This unit is designed for 6 – 8th grade students in the Career and Technical Education elective course. The unit is entitled “Mapping Your Future.” The focus of this unit is to gain knowledge and understanding about themselves, participate in an interest inventory and on line personality survey, select 2 careers to research, name sources that are used for career research, and lastly, create a PowerPoint presentation to present to the class targeting one career of their choice. This lesson plan will be incorporated into a Web Quest. Students will be able to link to sites to research their careers and locate pertinent information. Some of the activities will be for individuals; some for small groups and some will require teacher and whole class participation.


As an instructional designer I defined an overall goal for the unit plan. I ananyzed learners and the learning context. Next, I developed the performance objectives for instruction along with the assessment stategies. The instructional stategies are defined in the unit plan. The development of the WebQuest is where I selected instructional materials to be used in the sequencing of the lessons. I designed rubrics for student self evaluation as well as teacher evaluation.


WebQuest are a wonderful way to integrate technology into the curriculum. Students are actively involved in their own learning as they are asked to perform a number of tasks creating their own knowledge base. I believe teachers can use the Unit Plan incorporated in my WebQuest or perhaps others that are found online and adjust it as necessary. In this way teachers become  facilitators of learning in their classroom.




Domain of Design

Sequence learner outcomes

MIT 512 – Computer Applications in Education
~WebQuest Unit Plan Descriptions

~During the development of the unit plan I selected and used a variety of techniques to define and sequence instructional content and strategies to address multiple learning styles.

Analyze the characteristics of a learning environment

MIT 512 – Computer Applications in Education
~Web Site Evaluation Rubric

~During the development of the rubric used for evaluating various web sites, I was able to analyze the characteristics of the online learning environment prior to designing my unit plan, lesson plan and WebQuest.
Determine instructional resources appropriate to instructional activities

MIT 512 –Computer Applications in Education
~ Resource Page

~ Researching various resources enabled me to select resources that I felt would be beneficial for educators regarding appropriate media for various classroom and online situations




Domain of Development
Demonstrate the ability to produce still and motion photographic instructional materials, including knowledge and competencies in: film characteristics, camera operation, exposure, darkroom processes, lighting, and color photography. MIT 512 –Computer Applications in Education
~Development of WebQuest
~During the design of the WebQuest I evaluated various graphics, still and animated, and selected specific ones to gain the attention of the learner.
Design and produce computer-based instruction, including drill-and-practice and tutorial programs. MIT 512 –Computer Applications in Education
~The WebQuest is an example of a computer based instruction which engages the learner throughout the process.
Develop curriculum and apply instructional technology to the curriculum at the systems level, the macro level, and the micro level.

MIT 512 – Computer Applications in Education
~WebQuest Unit Plan

~The development of the unit plan
is an example of applying instructional technology to the curriculum at the macro level. Where as, the lesson plan shows my ability to apply instructional stategies at the micro level of curriculum design.




Domain of Utilization

Demonstrate a knowledge of the laws and regulations which govern the selection and utilization of media/emerging technology, including copyright, censorship, State Board Regulations, Local Board Policies, etc.

MIT 512 –Computer Applications in Education
~ADA Guidelines for students in wheelchairs

~Web Filtering Opinion Paper

~The web filtering paper along with researching ADA guidleines for students with disabilities demonstrates my knowledge of the laws, policies and regulations that are present in computer based education.




Domain of Evaluation

Plan and conduct evaluation of instruction/training

MIT 512 –Computer Applications in Education
Web Site Evaluation

Web Site Evaluation Rubric

~Designing a web site evaluation form and rubric are examples how I assess and evaluate instruction.

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