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MIT 500 – Secret of the Food Guide Pyramid : A Self Instructional Module

Context and Conditions

Working under the supervision of Dr. Mahnaz Moallem, the Secret of the Food Guide Pyramid self-instructional module was developed using Instructional Systems Design procedures. Dick and Carey's Systems Approach for Designing Instruction (1996) model was used as a guide in the creation of this module. This module was developed using Mayer's Designing Instruction for Constructivist Learning (SOI) model.

This self-instructional module, completed in the fall semester of 2001, was the end product for the course MIT 500, Instructional Design: Theory and Research. The self-instructional module was completed at the end of the semester. The module was produced for eighth grade students enrolled in the Family and Consumer Science course at Trask Middle School.


The primary goal of the Secret of the Food Guide Pyramid : A Self Instructional Module was to foster knowledge construction through direct instruction. The self-paced module guided the learner through the process of creating a healthy meal plan. Print media was chosen to implement this module based on the resources available.
The focus of the module was to state instructional goals, derive appropriate instructional content, make the instruction appropriate for the audience, and develop appropriate instructional strategies.


I took on the role of an Instructional Designer during this project. As an instructional designer I conducted a front-end analysis, learner analysis, environmental analysis, as well as instructional goal analysis. Analysis results were the foundation for the selection of learning goals, performance objectives, assessment strategies, as well as instructional strategies. I conducted a formative evaluation with the target learners during the development of the module. Following the formative assessment phase I analyzed the data and created charts as a visual representation of the information gathered. The results of the evaluations were used to improve instruction.


During the course of designing this project I learned that it is extremely important to conduct an in depth needs assessment in order to design instruction that is meaningful to the target audience. I also learned that time is an issue when developing a quality product to be used in instruction. I learned the difference between formative and summative evaluation as well as the importance of each. The revisions made after the evaluation processes are extremely important to the success of the product or in this case the self-instruction module. If I were to repeat this project I would use physical models of food for learners to manipulate while using the module. I believe it would help to help to keep the students actively involved.




Domain of Design

Assess learner/trainee characteristics

MIT 500 – Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research
~Learner Analysis for the Secret of the Food Guide Pyramid Self-Instructional Module

~The learner analysis illustrates the process of assessing learner characteristics. The purpose of the learner analysis is to be sure that the instructional materials meet the needs of the learners and also that the instructional strategies are effective.

Analyze the characteristics of a Learning environment

MIT 500 – Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research ~Performance context analysis for the Secret for the Food Guide Pyramid Self-Instructional Module

~Performance context analysis illustrates the process of analyzing the characteristics of a setting.

Conduct analysis of jobs/tasks and content

MIT 500 –Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research
Task analysis for the Secret of the Food Guide Pyramid Self-Instructional Module

~The task analysis illustrates the breakdown of knowledge that potential learners must have to succeed in the instruction.

Sequence learner outcomes

MIT 500 –Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research
Self Instructional print module for the Secret of the Food Guide Pyramid Self-Instructional Module

~The Food Pyramid Module demonstrates how sequencing instruction increases the chance of learners success.

Specify and sequence instructional strategies

MIT 500 -Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research
~ Secret of the Food Guide Pyramid Self-Instructional Module

~The instructional strategies report illustrates the process that a designer goes through when determining the course of the instructional materials.

Select appropriate applied information technologies to achieve instructional objectives

MIT 500 –Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research
~ Secret of the Food Guide Pyramid Self-Instructional Module

~The Food Pyramid Module demonstrates how instructional strategies and theories are selected and applied in the design of a unit.




Domain of Development

Develop curriculum and apply instructional technology to the curriculum at the systems level, the macro level, and the micro level.

MIT 500Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research
~ Secret of the Food Guide Pyramid Self-Instructional Module

~This module is an example of instructional materials design at the micro level.

Demonstrate knowledge and ability to design and produce self-instructional modules, training manuals, instructor's guides, and job aids.

MIT 500Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research
Secret of the Food Guide Pyramid Self-Instructional Module

~The module demonstrates the use of color, images, fonts, and white space to create an appealing unit.




Domain of Utilization

Apply principles of selection and use of materials and techniques relevant to a multicultural society (e.g., non-print, print, mass media, hardware, software, and other audiovisual strategies).

MIT 500Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research
~ Secret of the Food Guide Pyramid Self-Instructional Module


~This module was designed on the basis of information obtained in the learner analysis. In addition, the learner is able to make choices appropriate to their instructional needs. Motivation of the learners was taken into consideration in the media selection as well as the visual strategies. Print media was chosen to implement this module based on the resources available.




Domain of Evaluation

Plan and conduct evaluation of instruction/training

MIT 500Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research ~One-to-one small group evaluation for the Secret of the Food Guide Pyramid Self-Instructional Module

~One-on-one and small group formative evaluations were conducted. The formative evaluation report illustrates the process for planning and conducting the evaluation of print based material.

Plan and conduct product evaluation

MIT 500Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research
Secret of the Food Guide Pyramid Self-Instructional Module

The module was evaluated item-by-item after the formative evaluation and revised to improve instruction.




Communication Skills

Communication and Leadership Skills –
Apply leadership techniques with individual groups

MIT 500Instructional Systems Design: Theory and Research
~ Secret of the Food Guide Pyramid Self-Instructional Module timelog


~The time log report illustrates how I work with other individuals.

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